User talk:Felice/website copy

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I think I spotted some typos:

110 msgid "foundation"
111 msgstr "participate"
113 msgid "foundationlink"
114 msgstr "link to participate"
# shouldn't they read 'foundation' instead of 'participate' the msgstr?
well, we are using participate even though we really mean foundation...
no problem, is just that some lines later you have the 'participate' links themselves... ;)
271 msgstr "Most of the nearly two—billion children in the developing world are inadequately educated, or receive no education at all. One in three does not complete the fifth grade."
#                                  mdash?
good catch
273 msgid "missionp2"
274 msgstr "The individual and societal consequences of this chronic global crisis 
            are profound. Children are consigned to poverty and isolation—just like 
            their parents—never guessing what the light of learning could mean in 
            their lives. At the same time, their governments struggle to compete in 
            a rapidly evolving, global information economy, hobbled by a vast and 
            increasingly urban underclass that cannot support itself, much less 
            contribute to the commonweal, because it lacks the tools to do so."
#                             commonweal?
commonweal means "The public good or welfare."
Really? There's always something to learn! :) (I was just too lazy to check the dictionary, and assumed a typo or similar between commonwealth or well-being or something :)
288 msgid "missionp5"
289 msgstr "XO embodies the theories of constructionism first developed by MIT Media 
            Lab Professor Seymour Papert in the 1960s, and later elaborated upon by 
            Alan Kay, complemented by the principles articulated by Nicholas 
            Negroponte in his book, <i>Being Digital<\i>."
#                                                   </i>?
292 msgstr "Extensively field-tested and validated among some of the poorest and most 
            remote populations on earth, constructionism emphasizes what Papert calls 
            &quot;learning learning&quot; as the fundamental educational experience. A 
            computer uniquely fosters learning learning by allowing children to &quot;think 
            about thinking&quot;, in ways that are otherwise impossible. Using the XO as 
            both their window on the world, as well as a highly programmable tool for 
            exploring it, children in emerging nations will be opened to both illimitable 
            knowledge and to their own creative and problem&quot;solving potential."
#                                                           &quot; not closed/opened?
another oops.

--Walter 19:48, 12 March 2007 (EDT)

I 'caught' them while going through it and translating into spanish... I was going to ask if this is the 'official' version to translate or not, but got carried away :) I'll report others if I find any, I'm halfway through it, and hopefully I'll finish my first draft either later today or tomorrow... --Xavi 13:04, 14 March 2007 (EDT)
There is a section on Hardware that is still to be added and I will probably move the news section directly into the wiki, where it will be easier to maintain, but in general, this is pretty much set. Thanks. --Walter 15:30, 14 March 2007 (EDT)
I'm almost finished (got a couple new trivial 'bugs' which I'll post later) but I'm a bit worried about some of the legalese that I'm currently translating on the msgid "participateh2" / msgstr "OLPC Foundation Volunteer Service"... which includes the acceptance of terms and conditions... thus mistranslations could be a problem. Ideas?
I need to got through that section. I would leave it out for the time being. --Walter