XS Community Edition/0.4/Sprint

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Sprint will take place July 8-12 just north of Winnipeg, working towards XSCE 0.4.

We are excited that XS Community Edition 0.4 will bring not only long greater stability & configurability, but also much stronger integration of both Pathagar Bookserver and Internet-in-a-Box ! Possibly Calibre OPDS's bookserver too. 0.4's Spec is still evolving as we speak in June here of course, per its Road Map.


Please arrive Winnipeg Sunday July 7, prior to dinnertime if possible.
Please depart Winnipeg Saturday July 13, around Noon if possible.

Driving/flight/train/bus/canoe/hitchhiking options are all in fact possible towards saving money. A half-dozen of us are expected at minimum? Van/bedding/fishing/mosquito-netting/food/3G-wifi/budget details forthcoming (leave your shotguns at home ;)


  • Adam Holt
  • Anish Mangal (via Skype?)
  • Anna Schoolfield?
  • David Farning
  • George Hunt?
  • Jerry Vonau
  • Tim Moody?

Please consult Jerry Vonau & Adam Holt if you are interested in attending, contributing, fishing, etc-- thanks!