OLPC Rwanda
Republic of Haiti Area: 27 000 Km2
Density of Population: 287 inhab/Km2 2/3 montainous, 95% clear of trees (massive deforestration) 1/3 plain, fertile valley demographic pressure 9 departments 133 commune 561 communities
Population: 7´823,100 (IHSI-2003) Life expectancy: 58,4 ans Youth Population: 55% de <15 ans Urbanization rate: 40.42% (INSI-2003) Illiteracy rate: 65% Unemployment rate: 65% Revenu per capita: 8 555 gourdes
Total population by department and gender. 2003
Short presentation of saut d’Eau, Area:178.83 km2 Population:42, 917 inhabitant Sections: Rivière Canot – Lasselle – Coupe Mardi Gras et Montagne Terrible Name of the population: Saudelais (se) Other name for Saut d’Eau: Ville-bonheur Culture and religion: 16 juillet/Mont Carmel Church (catholic)/Protestantism/Vodoo Historical site (water falls ) Public Office: Téléco – DGI – Commissariat de police– Tribunal de paix - Mairie Saut D’Eau is one of our main intervention areas, as coming 125th out of 133 in a scale based on access to basic services
I Want to add CONCERN World wide Haiti in this project for our education project like a pilote project for 10,000 poors children Contact: etzer.supplice@concern.net