
Revision as of 22:58, 28 February 2014 by Quozl (talk | contribs) (OLPC is not an open robotics project)
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The viewpoints expressed hereunder do not necessarily reflect the opinion of OLPC.
This page was created by a member of the free volunteer community supporting OLPC.


OLPC Armenia and Nagorno Karabach.png



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 Secondary Spoken English (Fr)

... and thanks for visiting the "OLPC" related Wiki-Pages, for the One Laptopschool Per Child Education project for our country. This website is a collaborative website, so create a login and start collaborating, editing and adding the pages. This tool is made available by the One Laptop Per Child not for profit.


  1. an Open Community-project, similar to the Wikipedia, wikibooks, etc.,
  2. an Open Source-project, like Linux, OpenOffice, etc.,
  3. an Open Hardware-project, like Arduino, the Open Source Ecology, building farm/community equipment, OpenCoresand many more Open-Hardware projects,

OLPC is working along Agenda 21 and Millennium Development Goal nr.2: Bringing Universal Primary Education.


The aim of this educational project, is on one hand to bring Universal Primary Education by 2015 as - anno year 2000 initiated - United Nations Millennium Development Goal nr.2. On the other hand, OLPC's mission is to manage the open-community -, open-hardware - and open-software -project, to bring forward the best possible laptop combination for education: the XO-XServer combination. For this and above approach, - and also a lot of lobbying by the right persons on the right places and time - the United Nations is a Partner in this Open-Community - project! It is the largest educational project undertaken by Humanity ever, and deemed by many as one of the most inspiring projects out there. 2008, saw the first countries with a 100% roll out to all of their kids aged 5 till 15: Peru, Uruguay. By now, several Island States and Rwanda have a 100% deployment too; several more countries and regions have olpc laboratories and test deployments.

Every XO can load over 1000 eBooks on its memory and has a choice of +86.000 eBooks available, as well as many (educational) games, all education disciplines covered, etc. etc.. things are moving fast indeed.

OLPC in pics Mass deployment Robotics Money Rwanda Ministry Peru.png

Our country has a very multi-cultural society with a very diverse diaspora. We hope that this diaspora will work their way to these pages and that our society will benefit from these citizens with one leg in our country and another still in their countries of origin to develop leadership for OLPC, Agenda 21, the MDG's and accelerate bringing the level that our planet can be a nice place for all humans to new and inspiring heights for generations to come.

Plan of Action

  1. A budget for lectures and workshops: who are the leaders in the educational landscape in your country?
    1. Though some European kids may have an iPad class, may they still be missing the boat or are they on the wrong ship? Reading the wikipedia or being part of the wikipedia? That seems sum up both projects.
    2. A programmed to fail device or a laptop-x-tablet made to be repaired: all the same screws, only 1 standard + screwdriver needed?
  2. A budget for a labo in every region where the educational landscape can meet the XO-XS, robotics
  3. An olpc cell in your organization?


Please feel free to create sub-categories or list or start collaborating, teaming up and expanding our and your projects, existing and new ones in one of these sub-categories:

  2. OLPC Armenia
  3. FAQ OLPC-Armenia
  4. Who's Who Armenia
  5. Who's Who OLPC-Armenia
  6. OLPC-Armenia Meetings
  7. OLPC Competing projects in Armenia
  8. What every government should ask itself when considering an ebook deployment
    1. Is there room for an open source AND open hardware laptop annex tablet in the our Educational Landscape?
    2. FAQ and Most Frequent Misconceptions
      1. How much does the laptop cost?
      2. The deployment pays for itself thanks to the CO2e certificates the deployment generates and the additional tax revenues from an ict literate and equipped population who is more capable in generating additional value and consequently spends on more advanced gsm/satellite etc. on which the gvt. levies taxes.
    3. A computer for poor kids or simply the best educational laptop-x-tablet for any kid, including yours? You don't want to give your kid a 750 € iPad; you want a school reduced so it fits in a sturdy child proof lunch box and chatbots as 1st line teachers. Put 4 wheels on it and you have a robot, put 4 rotors on it and you have a drone.