OLPC talk:Community Portal

Revision as of 02:07, 23 June 2007 by (talk)
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Discusion on the OLPC community Page

About this page itself

Looking at the Wiki menu at the left of the page, why is this page listed under "about the laptops" rather than "about the site"? This page seems to complement "Help using the site" in the latter list. If you agree, do you know HOW to make the move happen? - Docdtv 14:14, 16 December 2006 (EST)

Why does this page exist? It doesn't seem to have a clear purpose or else it is drifted away from its original purpose.

--Aburton 15:32, 12 June 2006 (EDT): I think this page would be a good place to communicate exactly how we want the wiki organized, and the order in which things should be done.

Whoever fixed up the page did a good job starting it out and was exactly what was needed. I'll clean this page up in a bit.--Stranger 21:40, 13 June 2006 (EDT)

I think this page will be very helpful, particularly for those with non-programming backgrounds.... user:php5

Categorization discussion

Discussion about categories to add, etc.

Possible ones:

  • Pictures: links to picture, screenshot galleries
  • Press: links to pages listing press links
  • Support: links to support groups?
 Blogs/BBSes: NON-"encyclopedic" pages in which the "article"
 tab briefly describes some TOPIC for discussion, and participants
 follow the CUSTOM of leaving it alone and just adding their OWN
 remarks on the "discussion" tab, ALWAYS at page bottom, without
 altering the remarks made by OTHERS. This social protocol
 REPRODUCES the classical(time-ordered) bulletin-board function
 familiar long decades before wikis enabled collective editing
 of "encyclopedic" content. This type of page would serve as a
 platform for vigorous DEBATE of topics on which the range of
 opinion is broad and the amount of commonly accepted fact is
 limited, i.e. the OPPOSITE of "Wikipedia" style content. - Docdtv 14:14, 16 December 2006 (EST)  

Developer's category

A developer's category could be one of the main categories on the front page. Some possible sub-categories:

  • Hardware development: anything to do with hardware development on the OLPC
  • Hardware technology: discusses the various hardware technologies
  • Hardware ideas
  • Software development: anything to do with software development on the OLPC
  • Software technology: discusses the various technologies and libraries OLPC uses (e.g. GECKO, Python) or does not use (e.g. Maemo)
  • Software ideas

Installing Sugar on your favorite environment is important for developer involvement; unfortunately these pages are very unorganized. I'm proposing the pages are now consistently named, for example, "Sugar on Ubuntu", "Sugar on SuSE", "Sugar on Fedora Core 5", etc. These pages will list instructions for what prerequisite packages are required and how to get Sugar installed and up and running. Perhaps these can get their own Category, "Installing Sugar"?

Category Mess

In the past couple of days I've been massively categorizing the uncategorized pages (went from ~460 down to ~160) - sorry for monopolizing the recent changes. I'm sure that I've made mistakes, and that many will not agree with all, parts, or bits of my work