OLPC talk:Wiki

Revision as of 15:12, 2 August 2007 by MitchellNCharity (talk | contribs) (Shiki_Wiki link colors)
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1. Wiki on a server

  .Server.  [ ---- Internet ]
  / / | \ \ 
  1 2 3 4 5    (support editing directly on a server.  issues: edit conflicts, bw)

2. Wiki on a mesh

   Server [ ---- Internet ] (direct editing of a server-based wiki)
   __XO__      (shared net connection)
  /      \
  |      |
 / \    / \  
-1-2 .. N-M-   (support machine-to-machine editing with a mesh portal.  issues: portal vis)

3. Wiki locally / offline

(. . . .)
| | | | |
1 2 3 4 5  (... connect to server or web infrequently)

interwiki map

I think it should be kept 'small' the map... too many inter-wikis and we'll probably no use them. Also adding specific olpc related wikis (like Nepal's, Tuquito, or similar) should be added. 2cts --Xavi 11:32, 19 June 2007 (EDT)


parser extensions (or rather the ability to do 'if') in some templates would probably simplify and enhance the use of it. Possible collateral damage is making it to cryptic. --Xavi 11:32, 19 June 2007 (EDT)


I saw in the special pages, the Special:Withoutinterwiki (labeled 'Pages without language links'). I tried a bit but couldn't get it to work... --Xavi 11:32, 19 June 2007 (EDT)

Shiki_Wiki link colors

The Shiki_Wiki skin, now the default, currently shows "seen" links as gray. This makes them very hard to scan for, as they blend in with the black text. The blue "unseen" links are ok, but once you have seen an article, its links disappear. Since link following is currently our main navigational technique, especially with Search being broken, this seems a very bad thing. Why are we using a non-standard link color anyway? Visual design should make the user experience easier and more pleasant, not cognitively harder. I strongly suggest reverting to browser link coloring. MitchellNCharity 15:12, 2 August 2007 (EDT)