
Revision as of 16:59, 7 July 2007 by Xavi (talk | contribs) (tweaking)
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Many times you may want to just 'test' an idea for a template, I haven't found a sensible way of fully testing templates by themselves (as they will not get included in the edited version, but rather the saved version).

The idea of this {{Sandbox}} is to have that, a simple testing zone that will not interfere with others and avoid leaving a trail of botched attempts.

Please leave this comment/text for others to read.
See Also http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Help:Template
Testing: Missing translation

  1. REDIRECT [[]]


 | lang    = <!-- UNNAMED #1 — language code of the missing translation (see Translating for codes) -->
 | action  = <!-- UNNAMED #2 — OPTIONAL — what to do. Default is to REDIRECT to the parent page. -->
 | page    = <!-- OPTIONAL — the page name (sans enclosing [[]]) to include or redirect to -->

NOTE: If you name one of the parameters, the other also has to be named.


The following are all equivalents, as they all generate a REDIRECT directive to the upper level

{{Missing translation|es}}
{{Missing translation|es|redirect}}
{{Missing translation|lang=es}}
{{Missing translation|lang=es|redirect}}                 #  Doesn't work due to naming inconsistency
{{Missing translation|lang=es|action=redirect}}
{{Missing translation|lang=es|action=redirect|page=Foo}} # assuming the including page is [[Foo/subpage]]

If instead of REDIRECTing you want to include the parent page, the following are equivalent:

{{Missing translation|es|include}}
{{Missing translation|lang=es|include}}                 #  Doesn't work due to naming inconsistency
{{Missing translation|lang=es|action=include}}
{{Missing translation|lang=es|action=include|page=Foo}} # assuming the including page is [[Foo/subpage]]

# This would include the [[Bar]] page regardless of what the including page is.
{{Missing translation|lang=es|action=include|page=Bar}}