
Revision as of 00:51, 12 July 2007 by Mchua (talk | contribs)
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Freesound focuses only on sound, not songs. The Freesound Project aims to create a huge collaborative database of audio snippets, samples, recordings, bleeps, ... released under the Creative Commons Sampling Plus License. The Freesound Project provides new and interesting ways of accessing these samples, allowing users to browse the sounds in new ways using keywords, a "sounds-like" type of browsing and other interfaces, up and download sounds to and from the database under the same creative commons license, and interact with fellow sound-artists!

  • Links
  • Languages
  • Size
  • As of May 2005, "[the] project has attracted over 2,300 community members with over 1,650 sound contributions totalling more than 300 minutes of sound, with over 45,000 sound downloads in the last month."


  • Formats materials are currently in
  • Scripting (any scripting needed to convert it from curent packaging)

Curator Info

Group: Audio

Group coordinator: None

Curators: None

Allottable size


Scope (subjects, ages, other)

  • Subjects - Music, could be used for electronics and audio processin, film sound effects, etc
  • Ages - all ages

Completeness (comprehensiveness for given topic and audience)

  • Excellent

Multilingualism (specifically es, pt, en, ar)

  • The information about the sounds are in English, but these are translateable (should make translations for descriptions if possible!) but the sounds themselves are typically nonlinguistic and thus language-agnostic.

Quality (incl. suitability for audience)

  • Excellent

Freeness (license and format)

Comments, Tags, and Ratings


School library

How to Add