Creating a collection/lang-ko

< Creating a collection
Revision as of 19:08, 16 May 2008 by Dupuy (talk | contribs) (Creating a content bundle/lang-ko moved to Creating a collection/lang-ko: man page moved but translations left behind)
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  번역근원 Creating a content bundle 원문  
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This is an on-going translation

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OLPC Library은 XO 노트북과 더불어 배포될 모든 컨텐트를 담고 있는 리포지토리입니다. 귀하의 컨텐트를 추가하려면, 컨텐트를 위한 bundle를 먼저 만들어야 합니다. 이 페이지는 귀하의 컨텐트 번들을 선정하고, 포맷하며, 포장하는데 필요한 정보를 제공합니다.

컨텐트 선정하기

귀하의 컨텐트 번들을 만드는 첫 단계는 어떤 컨텐트가 포함되어야 하는 지 결정하는 것입니다. 간단합니다. 뭐든 필요합니다! 그러나, 몇 가지 고려해야 할 사항이 있습니다: 크기

귀하의 컬렉션 크기는? 전체 컬렉션 크기가 5-20MB라면 괜찮지만, 더 크다면 둘로 나눠 하나는 노트북에 다른 하나는 스쿨 서버에 포함되도록 해야 합니다.


귀하의 컬렉션이 평가 시스템을 갖추고 있는지? 그렇다면, 귀하의 컨텐트 번들 속에서 최상 등급의 자료들만 포함하는 것을 고려해 보십시오. 그렇지 않다면, 일련의 고품질 자료들이 번들에 포함되도록 선정하는 "큐페이팅"을 고려해 보십시오.


귀하의 전체 컬렉션이 어린이에게 적합한지? 그렇다면 매우 좋습니다. 그렇지 않다면, 어린이들의 학습, 탐구, 그리고 성장을 도울 자료들만 포함할 것을 권고합니다.

언어 이슈

귀하의 컬렉션이 다국어를 포함하는가? 그렇기를 바랍니다. 각 언어별 버전들에 대한 목차를 제공하든지 아니면, 우리의 현지화 팀이 손쉽게 번역할 수 있도록 조치해 주십시오.

라이선스 이슈

귀하의 컬렉션에 포함된 자료에 어떤 종류의 저작권이 존재하나요? 배포 허가를 받았나요? 라이슨스 조건을 검토해 주십시오. 참고:

컨텐트 포맷하기

Once you've determined the material you'd like to include in your content bundle (or, again, bundles-- since in many cases, you'll have to make two), you'll need to format it for use on the XO.

파일 포맷

The first step of this process is to make sure that your collection is formatted in a file format that is supported by the library. (Other file formats may be supported on the XO, but not within the library). The following is a list of file formats supported by the library:


  • .txt, .doc, .abw - These formats can be read by AbiWord and will launch it from the browser. AbiWord will write .abw files.
  • .pdf - This can be ready by xbook, which launches automatically from the browser when following a link to a pdf.

레이아웃이 있는 멀티미디어 문서

  • .html - Parsed by the browser. Source will soon be viewable.
  • .pdf - Read by xbook.

포맷된 텍스트

  • .xml, .rss - Read by the browser and by penguinTV (as feeds).


  • .jpeg, .gif, .png/ - These can be viewed by many applications, including the browser.
  • .svg - 99% supported.


  • .csound - This will be playable by TamTam... currently its XO build doesn't provide a way to save or load sound files, however.
  • .ogg - See other common audio formats below; can be played by Helix or Gstreamer, not part of the current build.
  • .mp3, .wav - These can be played by Helix or Gstreamer, standalone or as a browser plugin, when they are installed.
  • .rm, .ra - This can be played by the Helix plugin when installed with a RealAudio codec.
    Currently, audio files selected in the browser will launch a player if it is present.


  • .ogg - Can be played by Helix or Gstreamer, standalone or as a plugin. These activities aren't in the current build, but there is a good Helix activity that you can download in a few steps. To play video, please download this activity along with some videos (see for instance this video).
  • .mpeg, .mov, .wmv, .rm - See above.



  • The Develop activity will provide one way to view python files; the 'view source key' another.


  • This will viewable the same way page source can be viewed through the browser.

이토이 프로젝트

  • .pr files automatically launch etoys from the browser.

If you have a question about a file format that is not listed above, ask it on the talk page.

비주얼 포맷

The second step of the formatting process is to make sure that your collection displays correctly on the XO, since the small screen can lead to unexpected visual formatting issues.

The easiest way to do this is to view your material on an XO. If you don't have access to an XO, you can install and run the Sugar emulator on your computer. Emulating the XO has installation instructions.

컨텐트 포장하기

Once you've selected and formatted your content, the last thing to do is to package it as a bundle.


What is a content bundle?

A content bundle simply a .zip file with a different name: .xol.

What does a content bundle contain?

Each bundle contains the following items:

  • All content files
  • An index page (HTML) (example)
  • A configuration file (INFO) (example)
  • Any microformatting instructions (XML/CSS) (example)
  • Any customized library icons (various formats) (example)

지침 패키지

  1. Create a directory/folder to contain your bundle and copy everything into it. (Nested directories/folders are allowed and, in fact, encouraged.)
  2. Create an index page named index.html that links to your content (or to an extended navigation structure). (example)
  3. Create a configuration file for your bundle named that looks like this: (example). The configuration file should contain the following information:
  • Source
  • Version
  • Subject (location in library)
  • Language