Journalism: teaching local reporting

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  • Interns - If you are interested in this project, add your name to the Interested interns section below along with a brief description of why you're interested and why you'd be a good mentor for this project, along with any specific ideas for execution you might have beyond the project description.
  • Mentors - If you are interested in this project, add your name to the Interested mentors section below along with a brief description of why you're interested and why you'd be a good mentor for this project, along with any specific ideas for execution you might have beyond the project description.
  • Others - If you are interested in this project in a role other than that of potential mentor or potential intern (example: you are an organization, a potential end-user/tester, may have helpful resources, or want to be notified if the project is chosen), add your name to the Other interested parties section below with contact information and details.
  • Everyone - Contribute to the project description on this page, or discuss this project on the associated talk page (click the "discussion" tab on top).

The deadline for editing this proposal or adding yourself to the list is 11:59pm EST (GMT-5) on August 6, 2007.

Project description

What does reporting mean, and how is it different from writing? What does it mean to report on a community? What does it mean to be a reporter, and what ethical issues do journalists face? How is a news story structured, from start to finish? What are some basics of journalism history? I'm interested in developing a collaborative journalism classroom project based on local issues reporting. In the fall of 2006 I designed the curriculum for a semester-long seminar at S.U.N.Y. on news writing and reporting. This would be a version of the class I've taught in the past, tailored for the specific needs of kids and the OLPC platform.

Interested interns

Intern name

Geeta Dayal - gdayal (at) alum (dot) mit (dot) edu. I've taught several journalism classes in the past. I have several years of experience working as a print journalist, and on large-scale multimedia and documentary projects for PBS and public radio.

Interested mentors

Mentor name

Contact information, why you'd be good for the job, any specific plans, variants, or details you would personally like to implement and why

Other interested parties


Contact information, what your interest is