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Should this table incorporate a column (or the notion) of localization? This would probably raise the awareness and put the developing community in a more 'global' mindset? --Xavi 18:46, 29 May 2007 (EDT)

Good point. --Jim 20:13, 29 May 2007 (EDT)

Core now denoted by c, and localization merged with status comments. we need simple templates for l10n status, from simplest to most complex. Sj talk

Duplication in programming activities

develop and python (and GvR)

2x logo

and several "easy scripting for creating animations and simple games".

Things would be simpler if we focused our efforts. Homunq 20:44, 7 August 2007 (EDT)

Simpler, but not necessarily better. It's possible that we may see better results with several competing projects stealing ideas from each other than from trying to coordinate a large number of developers to create the ultimate "easy scripting environment". Activities to create animations and games may benefit most from multiple approaches, since there are many different types of animations and games. —Joe 11:09, 10 August 2007 (EDT)