XO ImageQuiz

Revision as of 22:49, 18 November 2007 by Crazy-chris (talk | contribs) (update of 'xo-quiz')
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The Idea

  • Design and implementation of an easy and fun, educational image-quiz for kids.
  • The goal is to connect a high fun-factor with as many educational aspects and features of the xo as possible.
  • Internet user can generate content by submitting new questions, images and imagemaps online. All in one page.
  • Some first ideas can be found here http://www.linuxuser.at/xoquiz

Xoquiz astro.gif



It's all about the educational factors in the quiz project:

  • Easy to pick up knowledge while playing (or submitting questions)
  • Explanatory images, perhaps informative answers (text, introductive reading, maybe a second image)
  • Flashcard System (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flashcard)

  • Easy possibility to create and share quizzes by kids (image upload or xo-cam)
  • Ability to use an existing image to create new questions
  • Rating of other contributions
  • At least 3 difficulty levels (maybe for different ages, ...)

  • Categories like Arts, Astronomy, Food, Geography, Health, Technics, ...
  • Single-Player as well as Multiplayer

  • Including limited hd in the concept
  • Modular structure of the application
    • Exchangeable categories via Mesh or Schoolserver

Game Modes

  • Single Player
    • Quiz Mode: Choose any category or even all
    • 'Educational' Mode: Get more background information

  • Multiplayer
    • Coop Mode (Teamplay)
      • How many clicked on the right spot
      • See the others cursor and all have to move to one
    • VS Mode
      • Challenge one or more player in any category and difficulty level over the Mesh


Game Content

A basic, high-quality database is crucial for the game as well as open-source images. An idea would be to apply web2 thoughts and let users contribute and rate the content - should be fun and easy too ;-). I can imagine three ways to generate a good database:

  1. It could be possible to get a digg or such and have lots of people visiting the project and perhaps submitting questions
  2. Some kind of content-jam
  3. Contributions of a core team



This project will be written in Python using pygame for display and pysqlite as data-storage system.


  • The page for submitting and rating new questions, and for playing the contributions is online at http://www.linuxuser.at/xoquiz
  • The python application is currently being started
    • It's already possible to use the web db
    • Image display works
    • Polygon creation works
    • Check if click is inside polygon works

The project is open for contributers! Leave note in this pages Talk, or drop me a line (chris at linuxuser.at) if you are interested!


* November 07: Finishing the web-application
* December 07: Building basic high-quality database
* January 08:  Single Player Mode
* February 08: Tests and Multiplayer
* March 08:    Final Design and Testing
* April 08:    Release of version 1.0