Content meetings

Revision as of 21:15, 26 January 2008 by Sj (talk | contribs) (+jan 23)
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see also talk:library, game development meetings, software meetings, Team:Content meetings

Archives: Content meetings/Summer 2007

January 23, 2008

school and larger-scale use cases

 current school needs  (Bryan Berry)
 visualization and interface.  (Eben)
 specific uses : Moodle    (Martin Langhoff, Moodle)
    Fedora-Repository and Exhibit.

internet use cases
  integration with Wikimedia, Curriki, the Internet Archive, &c.  (Josh Marks)
  Regional mirrors.

wrapup, q&a.
  Outreach to other groups for feedback
  Case studies from trials  (Arjun & Manu)

creator networks
   School projects to create and share : connecting them with other schools
   Community and Library groups for sharing ideas and knowledge
   Educational consortium : inspiring an anthology of culture
         what does this look like in different regions, communities, fields?
   OLPC chapters : universities, cities, countries
   contributors program & reviewing projects

global canvas
    p2p networks and local filesharing : searching and publishing
        how do you 'publish' something in a lasting local way?
    selection : featured lists, exhibits, shows, competitions.
    reviewing, judging and standards
        how does olpc choose its best works for distribution?
    newsletters, reports, and aggregates : editors and distribution channels

curation and coordination
    current and future groups, and some case studies (biology, music, video)
    Library of Congress, World Digital Library
    high school & educator networks

review: scheduling the Feb. meeting, mesh w/ Feb 1x learning workshop

December 1, 2007

Rough agenda:

0. Infrastructure
 - Adding bundle-installation to the smoke test
 - moving journal patches (simon) to olpc-config (scott)
 - finishing a dynamic library spec - mail to ian b (mako), findbundles/makecache
   : main page ---> page of icons / mouseover thumbnails
 - writing build-scripts : .info, linkcheck, thumbnailer, registry
   : install on crank for folks to upload a .zip and --> xo[l]
1. Libraries
 - Manual : where to insert this in the process?
   : find name for manual/guide package by Friday6
   : convert to convenient html ebook -- set style for "1 page" of text
   : art requests to Art Team and User:Nlee/User:Leejc 
   : add/update bundle / adding,removing packaging
   : connect AG and Adam with Felicity 
 - XO library : process and testing
   : style guide; add update/removal notes to manual
 - XS library : (schoolserver) activities for teachers; making large bundles
   : Add note about this to the manual 

2. Style
 - Creator guidelines : how-tos in the simplified manual, scripts,
           style guidelines (writing for translators, for children)
 - Reviewer guidelines : copyright, trademark, photo releases
3. Testing
 - Library testing -- how to emulate and review bundles
 - Library process -- style for bundles, reviewing steps and groups
 - Status levels for bundles : community curation of "stable" bundles

4. Community content projects
 - Our Stories launch, country connections
 - Report update, Knight grant, Uguruay/Brasil input
 - AMADIS reuse
 - sugarize Xword, Xmame, nes em.
5. Winter projects
 - SoCon, bundle wishlists; iCommons update
 - December gathering; DC meetup;
 - Community outreach : G1G1 project via OSU
 - Language : simpler localization; visit, get a few words each time 
6. Media status
 - Flash and Gnash
 - Audio, ogg and mp3 and wav; using Record
 - Video, ogg and other; using Record
 - Etoys projects
 - Books: pdf and html, outstanding issues