Music Jigsaw

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The Music Jigsaw is a cultural activity with purpose, where the child will learn to recognize music, both popular and classical. The game uses musical sections as if they were pieces of a broken head, where the child puts these parts in order to get the temporal full stretch.

Overview of Activity


Beginng Interface

It appears a "splash" of loading the program, with a desire that symbolizes a jigsaw and music and how the two may be linked.

Starting the Game

Game started in the easy level

In opening the activity can view the "bulbs" that refer to the challenges (music sections) not yet completed and the fish that provide a choice of the difficulty of the challenge (easy or difficult). You can also see a bar of messages (statusbar) that should inform the child of steps to take, and give tips.

Starting a challenge

  • Easy Level
When you start the level Easy, the challenges of the difficult level vanish (dark lamps). With the choice of one of the challenges emerge the area of the game (represented in yellow), which can easily recognize the "pieces-musical" and the "time line" where they must be embedded. The music related to the Challenge is exposed in a statusbar.
At easy level there are 6 challenges, each with 4 pieces-musical and their places in the timeline.
Game started in the difficult level
  • Difficult Level
When you start the difficult level, the challenges of the easy level vanish (clear lamps). With the choice of one of the challenges emerge the area of the game (represented in yellow), which can easily recognize the "pieces-musical" and the "time line" where they must be embedded. The music related to the Challenge is exposed in a statusbar.
At difficult level there are 4 challenges, each with 8 pieces-musical and their places in the timeline.


O jogo em sí é muito simples, a criança coloca o mouse sobre a peça, é executado o som que se relaciona àquela peça. Após ouvir a melodia de cada peça a criança coloca as peças nas posições que acredita estar correta na linha de tempo, clicando e arrastando-as até o local desejado. Se a criança tiver dificuldades para ordenar as peças ele pode clicar no botão dica, e logo em seguida "apontar" os locais na linha do tempo, que o som que deve ser encaixado ali seja executado. Depois de posicionar as peças, a criança deve clicar no botão verificar. Este se encarregará de reconhecer se existe alguma peça no local errado, e avisar à criança qual é a peça que esta errada. Ele também finalizará o desafio.

End of the Game

Quando o desafio é completo, o trecho completo da obra é tocado, a lâmpada correspondente ao mesmo é apagada e uma ponte começa a ser desenhada no fundo de tela (bakcground), indicando o quantos desafios já foram completos do nível presente.


Related Links

- Editor Musical
- Oficina de Desenho
- Quebra-Cabeca Musical
- Jogo do Piano
- Quimera

Source Codes and Projects in Development

- Fácil
- Editor Musical
- Oficina de Desenho Colaborativa
- Quebra Cabeça Musical
- Jogo do Piano