OLPC Switzerland

Revision as of 14:56, 6 January 2008 by Michele (talk | contribs)
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First Meeting of OLPC Switzerland on January 15 2008 on 9:15 AM; in Bern

> Wir treffen uns am Dienstag, 15. Januar um 9:15 (wegen den Zügen, die um 9:00 in Bern ankommen) an der Gertrud Woker Strasse 5 in Bern (10 Minuten zu Fuss vom HBF Bern): 2. Stock, Zimmer 209 oder 206.

Bus Nr. 12 Richtung Länggasse bis Haltestelle: Unitobler... If you want to come please contact User:Michele Notari first:

Karte siehe: http://maps.google.de/maps?f=q&hl=de&geocode=&time=&date=&ttype=&q=Gertrud+woker+Strasse+5+3012+Bern&sll=46.01903,8.959218&sspn=0.00672,0.014591&ie=UTF8&ll=46.953045,7.429097&spn=0.013212,0.029182&z=15&om=1

Interested people

  • Michele Notari
  • Yvonne Buettner
  • Martin Hofmann
  • Beat Doebeli
  • Jaqueline Peter
  • Martin Lehmann
  • Rainer Fischer
  • Lorenz Schori
  • Niklaus Giger
  • Alexis Favre
  • François Brutsch - can't come to the meeting in Bern planned on 15 Jan; but may I suggest one in Lausanne on Thur 24 Jan (afternoon)? --Fbrutsch
  • Michael Vorburger (see User:Vorburger))

News from Switzerland

A group is building interest in an OLPC Switzerland group with regular gatherings. There was a recent conference call w/ OLPC Austria, and a first meeting is being chosen.