
Revision as of 11:09, 16 January 2008 by Ixo (talk | contribs) (add iainD too !)
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Project of Nikki Lee and Mel Chua for the week of Jan. 7, 2007. If you'd like to help, please join in - just edit pages, no need to ask permission. FYI, Jan 16th, iainD joins the cause working on Site Map and User boxes.

Main page

Refers to Home. Under construction page at Home draft.

  • make up-to-date
  • make easy to translate (and find regular translators)
  • create regular update schedule, find regular maintainer
  • consider transclusion
  • lots of jumbled text that should be cleared and made more readable
  • clearly separated sections, links (text boxes? color would also be nice)
  • news or link to a dedicated, up-to-date news page
  • link to OLPC:Welcome
  • link to support system (whatever that turns into)
  • link to FAQs
  • length: less than 2 screens on Nikki's computer. hopefully shorter

Welcome page

Refers to OLPC:Welcome.

  • welcome to the project and wiki
  • community core values and etiquette
  • links to (good) tutorials
  • some sort of getting started guide
  • link to tutorials and style guide
  • link to Participate
  • link to core values
  • link to useful forums, user groups, mailing lists (Grassroots, etc.), irc channels

Participate page

Refers to Participate. Under construction page at Participate draft.

  • group communities into overarching groups
  • link to each group
  • descriptions of each group (by the linkage)


  • encourage various communities to get organized enough to make a frontpage, similar to Community:Art
  • seperate the communities into logical groupings that we can link from Participate (perhaps a Communities directory)