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Is there any way to get video working?

I understand that to get skype video working you would need to use unfree codecs, which OLPC cannot distribute. However, has anyone figured out how to do this?

PDS Yes, I just got video working in Skype based on a suggestion from one of the forums re. 'gstfakevideo' (aka skype video hijacker). I'll try to write up instructions at Skype: Video
Great job! I copied that content back to this page, I think it's better to have it all in one place. Homunq 08:10, 11 January 2008 (EST)

on joyride builds...

I'm running on a development (joyride) build of the OS. Skype runs and I can hear the noises, but all calls result in "Problem with audio". This is obviously a permissions problem with the microphone device, because if I run Skype (briefly) with sudo it works fine. My options:

Run skype with sudo, and also hang out a giant 'hack me please' sign on my front door.

Try to find the microphone in the /dev directory and chmod it, get into a permissions war with my own OS. (Best case: all security except the LED that apps can't spy on me ... is blown. Worst case: I also have to repeat this step who knows how often.)

Figure out how to wrap skype so that Sugar gives it the right permissions.

Homunq 16:41, 10 January 2008 (EST)

No, that's wrong. sudo has nothing to do with it. The first call works, subsequent ones don't. Go figure. Homunq 16:46, 10 January 2008 (EST)


I followed both set of install instructions and came back with the missing error why I typed "skype". Any ideas how to proceed. I am new to linux but am competent with the command line.