OLPC Rochester, NY

Revision as of 05:01, 21 February 2008 by FGrose (talk | contribs)
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OLPC Rochester, New York
Local grassroots group


The Rochester, New York interest group is a way for people in the Rochester, New York area and surrounding locations to talk about and work together on OLPC. This is a page for those interested in volunteering or contributing to the project.

OLPC Rochester, New York IS

  1. is just beginning to organize.

OLPC Rochester, New York IS NOT


If you know of any Rochester area schools, organizations, or groups of interested people who have organized or want to organize a Grassroots group or an University chapter, please ask them to add a link below.

Existing projects


  • Planning an ad hoc workshop at RIT in late March or April or May
This will integrate, so far as as proposed, a Western New York Human Factors and Ergonomics Society local section meeting and a graduate class of Professor Keith Karn, Usability Testing. -- FGrose 00:00, 21 February 2008 (EST)

Register your interest by inserting your name and ideas here:

Future Activities

Project ideas

If you're in New York and want to work on a project with someone local, post ideas here.