OLPC Oceania/Deployment

< OLPC Oceania
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Deployment guide


This is a guide to the implementation of the initial 8-country trials. The various strategies described here will be padded out as we gain experience.


Host projects

In these initial trials we are

Political approval

  • SPC gets initial approval
  • Brief Ministry and Minister on arrival, involve key divisions, get their support
  • Brief provincial/district education departments and get participation
  • Brief Ministry of Information/Communications and telecoms authorities
  • National steering group or task force with subcommittees (TOR)


Local support

  • local project officers, Policy Dept, Curriculum, Teacher Training, School Inspectors, provincial and district education officers
  • local NGOs, academic institutions, champions
  • logistical support ensured. Find out what resources the Ministry has available – I.e. Can they provide domestic transport and miscellaneous costs (this should be encouraged).
  • Help Ministry officials to plan for official hand-over at school, with media etc.


  • Updating
  • Entering names and colours


  • Pin type and alignment
  • Village power availability
  • Plan for charging capability


  • Options
  • AP
  • School server


  • Introduction to OLPC (4-page handout for teachers and others) Have one for each teacher plus 10 extra copies.
  • Other useful information: The OLPC Nepal report is useful to add weight to the promises of educational impacts made for the laptops. Bnd a few “presentation packs” with the basic information and a copy of this and an other useful reference papers.
  • Training pack
  • Parents agreement (one copy per child)
  • Students record (one per child)
  • Teachers Training Certificate (one per teacher)

Plan how to get copies of the last three on site, once they are signed (bring a scanner to site).


  • Contact with school. Warn them well in advance.
  • Consider dates, and the school's likely commitments (exams, holidays, etc)
  • Get names and numbers. This is often inaccurate.
  • Arrange deployment logistics with local officers.
  • Plan for minimum 5 days on site
  • Checklist
  • Video an digital cameras
  • Power/charging solution (I.e. Powerboards, adapters, extension cables)
  • Inverter with 12V car power plug (to charge up facilitator's laptops etc)
  • Scanner and printer (with software installed on facilitator's laptops etc)
  • Multimedia projector is useful – good for community awareness
  • Mobile phone SIM card that works in local networks, if coverage available
  • Torch
  • Personal items (you might need to bring food, mosquito net, food and basics in some locations)

Schedule at School

  • Welcome, introductions
  • Initial meeting with school teachers, principal and school board.
  • This meeting can be split into a short introductory meeting and later more detailed session.
  • Introduce the project, using the “presentation” agenda and include showing of short videos
  • Discuss schedule and find out what timetable and commitment the school has to keep to. Agree the training schedule timetable for the rest of the week.
  • Feedback
  • Teacher training
  • Session 1 – Basics
  • Session 2 – Activities and sharing
  • Session 3 – Discussion/workshop: Principles, Classroom usage and Evaluation
  • Feedback
  • Student training
  • Basics
  • Activities and sharing
  • Community Awareness
  • Parents meeting
  • Hand over
  • Suggested deployment timetable / schedule

Follow up