OLPC:News/2008/Week 25

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^ Overview

All interns have been filing weekly project updates, and GSoC interns are discussing their work on the gsoc mailing list. See below for details.

Mark your calendars:

x Connections

opportunities, people, engagements

Reports from the field:

  • SJ, Seth and Alex Levenson each attended parts of a technology and training conference held in Norfolk, VA. It was largely a trade show, but useful connections were made with people from Ericsson, ALION, CSC; the two town-sized floating hospitals maintained by the US Sealift Command; and technologists from Chile, Romania, and Brasil. Attendees generally expressed their support for "targeting the root of the problems facing poor countries, not their symptoms".

From around 1CC:

  • Most of the development team has been in Cambridge since the middle of last week, and are staying through this coming Friday. We held a few days of presentations about basic technology for the new interns and staff, with videos being posted to the presentations page.
  • We are having our weekly support meeting Sunday at 4pm, as per usual.

· Artefacts

projects, events, news, materials

  • A number of OLPCers attended FUDCon 2008 here in Boston, notably mstone and Martin Langhoff.

From Sugarlabs:

  • A Sugarlabs planet has been set up. A separate server is being prepared over the next two weeks for hosting other tools.

Grassroots updates:

  • OLPC Grasscon, an online conference starting at 10am on July 19, organized by OLPC@Duke and Alex Keybl.
  • Following up on the Grassroots bootcamp, we are preparing for an end-of-summer gathering to show off work that has been done by our interns and other projects. This is tentatively scheduled for three days starting August 20; stay tuned for details.

= Fundament

status, deadlines, assumptions, processes

Weekly updates

Process suggestions

  • ChristophD writes "We still wanted to rework the Tech internships entry as it's currently only showing the profiles, catered to a different use-case. Any suggestions? Maybe something such as mentors?

Offers of help

  • ChristophD is interested in being a mentor for documentation.
  • Luica Lovison is organizing some geography bundles, and wants to work with someone who is teaching about historical geography

Help wanted

  • ...

+ Priorities

milestones, sequences, first and next

o Reflection

review, updates, analysis, feedback