
Revision as of 13:45, 13 July 2008 by OtherMichael (talk | contribs) (xref to Yum sub-section on info files, infopath)
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This command is run in the standard Linux environment via the Terminal Activity. The GUI will probably not integrate comfortably with the XO Laptop's Sugar environment. Your user experience may vary considerably depending on the established environment and the other programs running on the laptop, may need re-installation after an OS Update. See the Linux software category for other commands.

How do I install Emacs?


enter the Terminal_Activity and type

yum install emacs

as found here

CVS - This adds support for XFT fonts which allows emacs to run in it's own window

You need about 400 MB free for this; if you use SD/USB memory card/stick, you only need about 60MB free. NOTE: USB key must be Ext NOT Fat because Fat doesn't support the long filenames used in emacs cvs source dir.

 sudo yum install texinfo gcc make cvs gtk2-devel libXpm-devel libjpeg-devel libpng-devel libungif-devel libtiff-devel
 #cd to SD or USB key and do su if you are using external storage.
 sudo cvs -z3 -d:pserver:anonymous@cvs.savannah.gnu.org:/sources/emacs co emacs
 cd emacs
 ./configure --with-x-toolkit --with-xft
 make bootstrap
 sudo make install
 #Edit .Xresources:
 sudo nano ~/.Xresources
 #add to end of file:
 #emacs.FontBackend: xft

Running Emacs

If installed with yum

Since Emacs was installed from the terminal, and not as an activity, it must be started from the terminal.

emacs -nw

will start Emacs in text mode. You can skip the -nw parameter to start in windowed mode, but the bit-map fonts are difficult to read on the native XO screen.

If installed with CVS

You can run emacs normally with the



Info files

If you installed via Yum, Info pages are excluded by default.

For any packages or utilities you install, you may need to manually add their info files to the Infopath.

Python mode


See Also