
Revision as of 12:39, 2 June 2008 by OtherMichael (talk | contribs) (collection of notes on text editors from other pages, and cross references)
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What options do I have for editing text?

  • Nano and the powerful Vi (see below) should already be available through the Terminal activity
  • Emacs is a high-powered, flexible editor
  • Install MicroEMACS by copying this file to the laptop.
  • Zile is a lightweight Emacs clone. Install this rpm file to get it.

Vi editor

  • use the built-in Vi editor as follows (type commands without the quotes):
  1. Start the Terminal_Activity (this gives you a line like "[olpc@...]$ )
  2. Click in the window
  3. Type "su" and Enter for super user mode
  4. Invoke the Vi(M) editor: "vi" and Enter
  5. (You might find the Vi cheatsheet at: http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/vimcheat.html to be of use)