Contributors program/September 26, 2008

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Revision as of 18:07, 26 September 2008 by Sj (talk | contribs) (+3)
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Time : 1400-1415 EST / 1800-1815 UTC


  • laptops out to date / this week
  • local laptop pools (temporary, long term)
    • OLPC Grassroots Philippines Developer Program -- 10, jgotangco
  • major outstanding requests
    • Multi-robot workshop -- 5, skadge
    • OLPC for Health -- 10, amarcelo
    • Visual Language-with particular application to the communication needs of the children with neuro-motor disorders -- 4, anupambasu
    • Shining Star Academy, Muhuru Bay, Kenya -- 4, Trinitow
    • Diaspora, Jamaica -- 4, epocolis
  • Uni projects
    • College of Charleston OLPC Project -- 2, semmy.purewal
  • community feedback : project forms, bimonthly updates?
    • email and other spam
  • projectdb development: open sourcing, pia & olpc australia, interfaces


outstanding requests