
Revision as of 03:24, 5 December 2008 by Mchua (talk | contribs)
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Beta status
.xo BundleRuler-2.xo
Translate-icon-55px.svg POT
| ar | en | es | pt 
TST {{{1}}}

Description & Goals


This is a very simple Activity which provides non-interactive screen images of a ruler, cm and mm grids, and a cm checker board.

The checker broard is mainly intended as a photo target, though moving your head in and out shows interesting perception distortions.


  • Provide an accessible tool to measure screen-sized objects.
  • Encourage length/area measurement, counting.


None direct. Intended as a supporting tool for exploring the world.

Visual Design


From Ruler-1.xo
Activity Rule screenshot 1.png Activity Rule screenshot 2.png Activity Rule screenshot 3.png Activity Rule screenshot 4.png



  • There are several good suggestions in Talk, which should be implemented.
  • Button selection should change when clicked on (pretty, but lower priority than adding content).
  • Missing priority po files: fr.


Feature Requests

Implementation Discussion

Version History



  • None available


Functional Test


Check the size of the screen ruler with a real physical ruler.


Wander around measuring things with your xo. Feedback encouraged.


  • 2007-11-29 Ruler-2.xo New name. Improved icon (by HoboPrimate). Initial localization (ar,de,en,es,nl,pt,ru,th). Added rules to edge of screen, and to edge of laptop. Added crufty unlabeled protractors.
  • 2007-08-08 Renamed activity to Ruler.
  • 2007-07-13 Rule-1.xo Considered renaming project to Ruler from Rule. Haven't yet. People don't like the current name. And as this is more of a tool than an "activity", we could stop bending over backwards to follow HIG naming guidelines that a verb be used. This might also simplify translation. Though "rule" is more applicable to the grids than "ruler" is. Blech.

Activity Summary

Icon: Sugar icon::Image:IconRuler.svg
Genre: Activity genre::Math and Science
Activity group: ,|x|Activity group::x}}
Short description: Short description::This is a very simple Activity which provides non-interactive screen images of a ruler, cm and mm grids, and a cm checker board.
Maintainers: ,|x|Contact person::x}}
Repository URL:
Available languages: ,|x|Available languages::x}}
Available languages (codes): ,|x|Language code::x}}
Pootle URL:
Related projects: Related projects,|x|Related projects::x}}
Contributors: ,|x|Team member::x}}
URL from which to download the latest .xo bundle Activity bundle::
Last tested version number:
The releases with which this version of the activity has been tested. ,|x|Software release::x}}
Development status:
Ready for testing (development has progressed to the point where testers should try it out): ,|x|Ready for testing::x}}
smoke tested :
test plan available :
test plan executed :
developer response to testing :

URL from which to download the last .xo bundle that works with old releases Activity bundle::
Activity version number: Activity version::
The releases with which this version of the activity has been tested. ,|x|Software release::x}}
Development status: