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The Melbourne XO Club will meet monthly to do testing, hacking and general activities around the OLPC. Announcements are made through the OLPC Friends mailing list.

Many thanks to the Welly NZ Testers who have created such a great model for OLPC testing.

Plans for this week

First Meeting

1-5pm - Saturday 20 December

Sharwood Room, Trinity College, Parkville (Royal Parade, University of Melbourne) Map: [coming - in the meantime see] Enter Via pedestrian Gate B - head left towards the College Oak Tree, turn right in the Clarke's cloister, head past the Junior Common Room to The Sharwood Room, which looks like a little chapel.


Please list your name and contact here and email donna [at]

What to do

  1. Testing Activities for G1G1; use (and edit!) and
  2. Testing Image 8.2.1 - has new patches to deal with network issues discussed here.
  3. Contribution to NZ based testing form - This presents a form that fills in:
  4. Keep working on our testing strategy to ensure we are getting it right.
  5. Keep having fun!

Who's got what

Add your laptop below to the testing group. Donna will try to bring along a few extra laptops.


Log of things done

We'll list our achievements as we go.

Who are we

Please contact Donna at for information and to let her know you are coming. Venue suggestions are welcome and once finalised will be posted here.

Testing|Volunteer User:Greebo

Where are the laptops?
Laptop Who Project
Laptop 1 Donna Benjamin Testing 8.2-767
Laptop 2 Peter Lieverdink Testing 8.2-767
Laptop 3 Tony Forster Testing 8.2-767