OLPC Rochester, NY/Event history/26February2009

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The Agenda was

  • RIT Professor Jeff Sonstein spoke on the potential use of the XO in disaster-recovery efforts.
    • He described his involvement with Sahana, a free and open source disaster management system that was conceived and developed in response to the 26 December 2004 Sri Lanka tsunami (Wikipedia history).
    • Jeff described the ReSTful (Representational State Transfer) software architecture, and his plans to migrate Sahana to this architecture.
    • He then plans to port the software to the XO because of its ability to self organize a network. This will be extremely valuable in a disaster when the Internet is disrupted.
      After the meeting I learned that the OLPC Project will be sending 4 XOs to the Hastily-Formed Network Research Group at the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey, California for testing and trial integration into their disaster Fly Away Kits.
  • Fred Grose on getting started with Etoys
  • Bill Hickock on getting started with Python
  • Karlie has also offered to bring some CDs for PC and Mac Sugar emulation for those interested.
    Drop Stephen Jacobs a line to let him know if you’d like one and which flavor.