Gold Dust – HowTo

Revision as of 21:59, 18 March 2010 by Papillon (talk | contribs)
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welcome :)

Hello Papillon, and Welcome to the OLPC wiki!

I hope you enjoy browsing and want to stay. As a first step, you may wish to read our introduction.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask me at my talk page — I'm happy to help. Or, you can ask your question at the main talk page.

Good luck, and have fun. ----Sj talk 10:08, 14 September 2008 (UTC)

Hello Sj, thank you for your introduction and welcome to the Online Schoolbook “GOLD DUST. Papillon 17:16, 14 December 2008 (UTC)

Important: It is not necessary to read the entire page. The chapters on this page accompany the chapter which you are currently working in the online schoolbook --Papillon 09:40, 16 November 2009 (UTC)

Author and Conceptual Explanations

I’m the author of the “Papillon” educational concept and creator of the online schoolbook "GOLD DUST". Based on the idea of writing a childrens book a study project developed. Thirst for knowledge and interest in topics taken from literature, history, philosophy, art and religion as well as openness for science, environmental topics and new media have influenced the development of the Online Schoolbook GOLD DUST.

This project is the result of 9 years development work. It includes:

Fantasy Story „GOLD DUST” [1]

Online Schoolbook „GOLD DUST” [2]

"Papillon" [“Butterfly”] educational concept [3]

Project study [4]

Testing the model project successfull in practice [5] at the Ellen-Key Grammar School in Berlin [6]

Survey from the Berlin Technical University [7] with regard [8]

Online Platform – Learning in the 21st century [9]

Since 2007 Papillon participates in the educational project “One Laptop per Child". --Papillon 22:03, 14 January 2009 (UTC)

My native language is German. Please feel free to correct my English and give me your feedback and comments. I’m happy to answer your questions.

Now I want to introduce "Papillon" and present what is possible with this emotional and simply concept.

Here are some hints and thoughts, to explore the Online Schoolbook GOLD DUST - a new system of education on the basis of ancient wisdom and modern research. Try it out and invite curiosity and hunger for knowledge in the classroom. Conditions of Use:Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0

By using the Papillon concept learners get a mix from structur (text of the virtual world) and freedom (Internet).

Why imparting knowledge through narration?

The answer lies in the way the brain works: we remember things better when more than one sense is involved. That is particularly true when it comes to stories rather than simple informational documents. What has no emotional coloring is easily forgotten. --Papillon 16:06, 30 March 2009 (UTC)

Children love stories. This makes knowledge transfer as simple and effective. --Papillon 18:58, 28 December 2009 (UTC)

Why very distantly related links?

Analog view of a topic does not encourage thinking in contexts. Making thought more flexible also helps one to get closer to the solution of a problem. A wide, cross-subject education and cross-border thinking challenges children to ask questions, show curiosity and to change their perspectives. --Papillon 11:16, 9 October 2009 (UTC)

If someone is not interested in a topic, he will find it difficult to learn. Papillon therefore arouses curiosity in interesting cross-curricular themes and opens the door to the internet. Behind every door students can find a surprise, against one's expectations. Surprise is a positive emotion. Neuroscientists are of the opinion that positive emotions support the learning process. An information may be better absorbed, noticed and be reproduced. --Papillon 20:55, 4 February 2009 (UTC)

The learning clicks represent a unique and innovative form of conveying knowledge. They are the result of an intensive combined achievement. Text and learning clicks are so tightly interwoven so that both elements can develop their effect as just one unit. However, the goal is not to link the text in general but rather how the text is linked. That is what is special about it. Links without the text don't work in such great manner we have learned in our praxis tests. --Papillon 16:06, 30 March 2009 (UTC)

The teacher uses the links specifically for knowledge transfer. He determines the kind of content, standards of education or skills that should be transported. The teacher's role is changing. He gives the direction and orientation, while the Internet is the classroom and the student works independently. Later Students find their own favorite themes, discover them with links, create their own knowledge planets and add they to the story.

Learning clicks are variable and can be adapted to the age group. Younger students approaching the subject playful. Older students work with demanding sources of outstanding quality.--Papillon 13:16, 13 January 2010 (UTC)

We must ask ourselves: what should our children learn and what values we want to give them. Topics close to society's heart. Therfore all keywords and educational links are variable and suggestions and are subject to constant change. --Papillon 19:46, 30 March 2009 (UTC)

Internet literacy

is impossible without a minimum level of personal experience in dealing with the technology. Where young people can acquire these skills? A fortuitous result of activities in their leisure time, or all systematically in school? Although we live in a media society no one explains children how to deal appropriately with the media. Through the support of the teacher, the children learn to distinguish important from the unimportant, genuine from spurious. And what about information overload? My suggestion, learn how to google. It makes a difference what keywords I type in the search engine, in order to achieve the best result. --Papillon 14:51, 12 January 2010 (UTC)


Education Level: K-12

  • Learning with imagination [10] and time to deepen a topic in a digital self-learnig method. Getting into Einstein's brain [11] --Papillon 19:26, 21 May 2009 (UTC)
  • The preoccupation with the key words (the penetration at the depth central themes) pays for itself in an acceleration of apprehension, and not only during school but for the entire life.--Papillon 17:19, 5 June 2009 (UTC)
  • Particularly suitable for team- and project work. The role of the teacher is being transformed. He is providing the direction and ensures the point of reference while the Internet becomes the learning space and the student can work independently. --Papillon 20:06, 9 June 2009 (UTC)
  • Due to the switch between digital and traditional work methods, the productive capacity to reflect and the joy the students experience from experimentation as well as the ability to critically assess the media are stimulated and promoted. Unique learning success becomes possible in this sense by combining technical affinity and the desire to read.

Concepts which combine what is information with creative methods of thinking and working boost the attention and motivation of the students and open up new ways from the to express themselves and create. The fairytale establishes the self-imposed delay between the onset of desire and its eventual fulfilment which can be increased through interaction. The desire for learning is awakened.

Chapter 1: Phantasos

Keyword : earth

How to discover "earth" cross-disciplinary? Begin the topics as often as you can with emotional images (you tube). So you immediately arouse interest and curiosity. After that imparting knowledge about the links. Let the students look on the subject from different perspectives, as an island that they round.

Earth: appetizer [12] astronomy [13] Geosciences [14] Definition [15] Volcanos [16] environment [17] one-planet future [18] different cultures [19] A wide, cross-subject education and cross-border thinking challenges children to ask questions, show curiosity and to change their perspectives. "Children must be given the opportunity to view a certain aspect from different perspectives. This is how they learn the same content in all of its complexity and learn in the process that different perspectives can result in different assessments. Prof. Wassilios Fthenakis [20]--Papillon 21:14, 11 March 2010 (UTC)

Keyword: listlessly like a wilting leaf

Introduce new interdisciplinary areas and foster dialogue with science: Chronobiology [21] "Chrono" pertains to time and "biology" pertains to the study, or science, of life.

Chapter 2: The Gold Hat Officials

Keyword Nubia

Nubia was always important for Egypt, because from Nubia came the gold.

There is more behind the links than people expect, meaning that the effect of the Internet to amaze and astound can be used for learning success. The learner is surprised that even the most comical ideas from the fantasy story can find an equivalent in reality.

For example: Nubia is not only a fantastic name, Nubia was an ancient high culture

Keyword: the official for good thoughts

Theme: how one comes to good thoughts... ...when you emulate successful people, if you take part, when you are interested in science, if you ask why, when you play, when you help, if you are curious in new media, when you hear music, when you leran languages and so on...

Keyword: time

Theme: The Theory of Relativity

The student can view the content and continue to access it until he has completely understood the topic. This method of conveying knowledge is not feasible in regular instruction and has a decisive advantage: Gifted students no longer have to be bored because they understood the material long ago and those who are less gifted no longer have a reason to interrupt the class because they are not following the material. Everyone can process the instructional materials according to his or her own aptitude. Strong and weak students will be promoted together.

Keyword: towers

Dynamic Architecture: Rotating Tower

The boundries of architecture are new defined: Buildings are now able to change their shape and be part of environment.

Chapter 3: The Twinkling Lantern

Keyword: place in life

You've got to find what you love, that's the question of your life.--Papillon 19:28, 14 December 2008 (UTC)

Examples: Links from the fairytale refer to the selection of a career, on how to get good ideas. Those in later semesters can be guided from fairytale to the theory of relativity, evolution, nanotechnology and ethics. Complex learning content is shown on web pages in a simple and easy-to-follow manner in a film or in an interaction. That is the great advantage of the Internet compared to the static imparting of knowledge --Papillon 18:14, 13 January 2009 (UTC)

Keyword: water

Drinking Water & Ground Water Kids’ Staff [22]

Chapter 4: A fateful Birthday

Keyword: baroque

Baroque is also known as the era of stage and finds his glorious climax at the court of Louis XIV. Elements of staging we find in the Media-Society of the 21st Century, for example election campaign, product advertising, fashion,Harry Potter as a brand, etc. Why not education to stage? --Papillon 19:06, 5 January 2009 (UTC)

World history videos make history alive. Bring history to life with fascinating videos and interactive content. Examples: History Channel[23] Discovery Channel[24] you tube [25] BBC [26] National Geographic [27] --Papillon 07:59, 17 April 2009 (UTC)

To arouse interest in a subject, I suggest starting with a video. The student is emotionally addressed, his attention is aroused. After this are the facts and at the end stands the presentation of the choosen topic by students.--Papillon 18:06, 28 December 2009 (UTC)

Chapter 8: Lilies or Airhead

Lilies - a symbol for stability (roots), wind - a symbol for independence --Papillon 12:22, 8 January 2009 (UTC)

Chapter 9: In the Valley of Tears

Keyword: four virtues

Virtues [28] are more basic than values. All cultures honour virtues. [29] [30] The strategies of The Virtues Project help us all to remember who we really are. You can find out what the virtues are here and discover the strategies for applying them in your daily life here[31] The Virtues Project/Education Character education: [32][33]

Keyword: Justitia

open access to knowledge is an example of social justice [34] [35]

What does it mean to teach for social justice? [36]

Keyword: Fortitudo

Teaching courage to kids [37]

"It may surprise you to know that children's books often raise deep philosophical issues and that children love to think about them. This website contains all the materials that you need to lead philosophy discussions with your students.” [38]

Top Sites in Philosophy for Children [39]

--Papillon 21:45, 6 January 2009 (UTC)

Fairytales convey a simple basic thought: A good character makes you beautiful. It is exactly the right format to spin a yarn about the great questions of life. Let you inspire by the magical world of the GOLD DUST story. --Papillon 10:40, 9 January 2009 (UTC)

Chapter 10: Energy Spheres

Keyword: Swan

This story you could tell the students about Susan Boyle: [40]

Once upon a time a poor girl, who lived in a filthy house and everybody called her only "Susan Simple". But Susan had had a big dream and one day, when a half of her life already passed away, she got a chance. Bravely she stepped on stage and courageous she showed the world her best side. Then a wonder happened: from the black swan was a shining snow-white Swan, because Susan had a talent. You too have a talent. Discover it. If you have found it, tell us (at the end of GoldDust story?), how did you figure it out. There are numerous suggestions and inspirations on the various themes in this book. With any luck, someone will find his passion, a vocation or profession. --Papillon 19:05, 29 December 2009 (UTC)

Keyword: Gold Dust

GOLD Dust reflects our dreams, desires and hopes, our yearning and virtues, our good side. Gold Dust is irreplaceable, because it is the gold in us. What is really important for each of us and as valuable as gold dust? For example: every child needs a family and wants to be loved, go to school, live without fear, to be happy, in life find what everyone is looking... That would be a great topic for an essay.

What are the children's wishes for themselves, their families and friends, for their country, the world and the future? (no wars, feed the hungry, save the animals, protect the environment... be kind to each other, find love and friendship) --Papillon 21:29, 21 January 2009 (UTC)

In general I give you suggestions of educational links for beginner and advanced learner (younger and older students).--Papillon 22:49, 22 January 2009 (UTC)

Topic: Time which we spend together

Majority of parents say children want more family time with more play time high on the wish list [41]

The Importance of Family Time [42] --Papillon 15:09, 13 January 2009 (UTC)

Chapter 12: The Gate of Illusion

Keyword: proportionate

Golden ratio: students measure each other's faces - eye relief, forehead height, mouth, calculate the relations - and seek real beauty on the example of the Mona Lisa.[43] Create math lessons lifelike to attract the students. And what excited teenager more as good looks?

Chapter 14: The Three Days of Miracles

Keyword: enchanting melody

Music provides children with a means of self-expression and gives them a glimpse of other cultures. [44]

Keyword: angels

Religion is one of the most emotional and powerful topics. We gave students the suggestion to present each other their religion. We also encouraged them, together to celebrate religious events [45]and visit religious monuments: synagogue, church, mosque or temple. So students learn more about their neighbours religions, their similarities and to accept differences. They also have a better overview of the religions. With the understanding of other religions they are able to communicate better. Children must be given the opportunity to view a certain aspect from different perspectives. So they can see one aspect with different eyes and improve respect and tolerance.--Papillon 13:36, 19 February 2009 (UTC)

Chapter 16: Terror Birds

Keyword:Terror Birds

Terror Bird is not only imagination, he really lived 62million years ago.[46]

Keyword: True greatness

Gandhi and other fascinating personalities whose work was characterized by humanity.

Karlheinz Böhm devotes his life to aid Äthopien - an example for Citizens' Initiative.

The Golden Rule as the core of true human greatness.

Educating for Human Greatness deserves to become a strong voice at the table of our current debate on the future of education [47]

Keyword: The terror birds are even eating the sea empty

Theme: Overfishing

Plundering of the oceans as a consequence of poverty and greed, the demand is insatiable

Overfishing is an example of Gandhi's seven deadly sins : Pleasure without conscience.

Chapter 18: The Beginning of All Evil

Keyword: Lying, Cheating, Stealing

Theme: Moral and ethical standards

Teachers told me that children can no longer distinguish between good and evil. Thus arose the idea to set a focus on this issue and to bring it into the public perception.

At my search for interactive content on this topic, I found many scientific but no exciting websites for children with whom they can easily learn why we don't should lie, cheat and steal. Maybe I do not have the right key words entered? Please help the project and donate sophisticated websites for students in several age groups:

Sensational I find in this context the scientific evidence from Dan Ariely[48] Professor, Duke/MIT that the mere thought of a moral authority promotes honesty[49].

Some ideas to deepen the topic:

Lie, cheat and steal: high school ethics surveyed [50]

When nobody is looking [51]

Teens: Sometimes You Just Have to Lie, Cheat and Steal. Teens say lying doesn't make you unethical [52]

Encouraing kids to do right thing: Use books 'Read stories, particularly fairy tales, which tend to have moral messages,' says Dark, who works for Lyn Fry Associates, a consultancy that runs positive parenting courses.[53]

Therefore the GOLD DUST story is an important and valuable part of the project. Fairytales convey to us a magical world through which the children can easily distinguish between the rules and rituals of reality, good and evil. They are an appropriate means of evoking fantasy and creativity and thereby promote the moral and social competence to make judgments.

How to Teach Your Child Right from Wrong [54]

Social and Moral Education [55]

Encouraging your child's moral development [56] [57]--Papillon 19:30, 16 April 2009 (UTC)

Chapter 19 : The Heads of the Evil Seven

Keyword: eye of evil

The Third Wave [58] The experiment demonstrates how easy it is still today to establish a dictatorship.

Theme: Timeless truth - Don’t be evil

Do you believe in an objective, universal truth? Is morality innate and universal?

Harvard psychologist Marc Hauser's argues that humans have evolved a universal moral instinct, unconsciously propelling us to deliver judgments of right and wrong independent of gender, education, and religion. Experience tunes up our moral actions, guiding what we do as opposed to how we deliver our moral verdicts.[59]

How to introduce universal values?

Catching sight of goodness, opening up oneself more to goodness, who does not want that? If only we did not have our daily existence with all of its dangers. Everyone can freely decide whether he helps someone with a problem or takes somebody for a ride, whether he will share or rather be greedy, whether he will hold the door for someone or let the door slam in his face. But when people cultivate goodness, they can also pass this on. That is why special care should be used in determining the difference between good and evil as clearly as possible. In order to do justice to our task, I first had to make a basic decision – either to give priority to the values or to follow the route of virtues. Virtues are not values. Values are geared toward societal change.

Because the topic is to be incorporated in a large context, only rules of conduct which universally apply were possible. They should not be specified for sociological implications nor for a specialised area but rather symbolise constancy.

Once the decision had been made in favour of the virtues as universal values, the seven mortal sins [60] were a possibility in contrast. One might ask oneself instinctively whether the does not sound old-fashioned and fuddy-duddy. In other words: An antiquated custom. On the contrary. These terms are provocative because what sounds like a term from moral relics, from another age, is in actuality timeless and up-to-date: Mortal sins are the gateways to torture, crimes and despair.

Headlines from The New York Times illustrating how the seven deadly sins are still alive and well. However, to focus one’s own actions on goodness, the virtues and the mortals sins must first be named and then precisely examined in order to make a conscious and voluntary decision to act virtually.

The exact designation of the mortal sins inspires an awareness on what the cause of all evil is, then he who enters through the door of the seven mortal sins encounters his dark, frightening side. The conflicts of this world provide copious examples. This means abuse, torture and murder, bribery scandals, assassinations, child molestation. The list is long. Children should be able to exactly distinguish what is bad for them and what is good for them. A strong character can more easily say no to drugs and violence and offers a shield against the temptations which are so strong that people believe things that they should not believe.

Following the tradition of personifying passions, I wanted to highlight the portraits of sin. The characters brings people closer to the concept of sin. I tried to express the nature of lust, gluttony, greed, sloth, wrath, envy and pride and creating a more immediate experience with each sin in opposite to the seven virtues.

Personification offers an impressive portrayal of events through which sins, unlike the rather boring and seemingly compliant virtues, have tricky and fascinating possibilities and shows how their alternating interplay has an effect on cultural information. The mortal sins are not out-dated moral terms but rather have a timely quality because they are frighteningly current. It is particularly for this reason that people have forgotten their danger because pride, envy, wrath, sloth, greed, gluttony and lust are declared harmless as completely forgivable and human forms of conduct. "It is therefore extremely important that it be made clear to children and adolescents what is right and wrong. The school and the parents must act in a manner that is oriented to the children and adolescents so that they can learn as early as possible what is good and bad. The adherence to clear rules should be consistently required", notes the psychologist Bettina Schubert, consultant for violence prevention for the Berlin school administration. (quoted from: Die Welt, November 10, 2004)

The capital vices of pride, envy, wrath, sloth, greed, gluttony and lust are not outdated and have not been made irrelevant. Some examples:

The current global financial crisis is a crisis of virtues. Virtue is vital to the wellbeing of society. [61] Greed has brought the worst downturn since the Great Depression.

Who does not want to be subject to this weakness must be trained early. As a child, in the family, at school. History, math and languages are for the brain. But personal responsibility, moral responsibility, responsibility to society proceed from the heart. One need not be a fan of the ancient world to recognize the benefits of the four cardinal virtues which Plato once designated as the definition of the good being: Wisdom, Justice, Courage, Moderation [62]

Debating the Vices and Virtues: prominent current example[63]

Art was inspired often by the 7 deadly sins: Bertold Brecht and Kurt Weill [64]

New York Public Library and Oxford University Press: For 2002 and 2003, seven noted writers, scholars, and critics were invited to offer a "meditation on temptation" on one of the seven deadly sins[65]

7 Deadly Sins of Living Linked To Illness as Well as Mortality: [66] --Papillon 13:22, 27 April 2009 (UTC)

overeating, drinking, smoking and drugs [67]

At the Heart of What We Do, Values Education at the Centre of Schooling [68] --Papillon 15:55, 28 April 2009 (UTC)

Chapter 20: The Dragon Throne

Keyword: Superbia - Pride

Superbia - Pride

begins harmless with know-all manner and conceit. Who only believes his own truth rises to the Lord people, see Nazi Germany, torture and crimes are the result. Holocaust is the worst example of pride/superbia. Who feels like Lord people is not afraid to humiliate others. Pride ranging from bullying, exclusion of other people about abuse of power, to murder.

Holocaust Remembrance Day [69], the Footprints for Hope Project, the newest initiative of the Holocaust and the United Nations Outreach Programme [70] Hate among human beings did not fade away with the end of the Holocaust.[71] Lesson Plan: Anne Frank [72] Discussion Questions [73] Remembering the Holocaust, a WebQuest for 5-8th Grade [74]

Chapter 21: The Logic of Evil

You may think that the concept of deadly sins is a religious one and do not apply to you, but you may call them negative tendencies if you want. The fact is that you can find them in more or less intensity within most people.

Keyword: IRA - Anger

Anger is a burning sensation, who is guided by anger, easily exceed a dangerous threshold. Raw violence and cold-blooded murder are the rusult. In the violent temper friendships are broken, people killed,[75] attacks perpetrated. The better and more deeply you understand, when you slip into another skin, the harder it is to be condemned and not to forgive.

Keyword: laws

Ten Commandments: a tool for moral instruction for students. Analog codes are also found in other religions.

Keyword: INVIDIA - Envy

Envy who make careers, possessions accumulate, beauty, family or friends owns, threatens the envious gaze of neighbors. From envy will intrigue spun, fates sealed and marriages destroyed because one is bursting with envy and jealousy [76]

Envy—The Forgotten Narcissistic Issue [77]

Keyword: GULA - Gluttony

Why are we so fat? Americans enjoy one of the most luxurious lifestyles on Earth. Our food is plentiful. Our work is automated. Our leisure is effortless. There's just one catch: It's killing us. [78]

Gluttony is not just pure lust eating but is aimed at a general immoderation

Gandhi: Pleasure Without Conscience [79]

Envy, anger, greed and Co., how see and evaluate students these traits today. Search for examples from politics, show business, environment and in your personal life. --Papillon 13:07, 16 May 2009 (UTC)

Keyword: Avaritia - Greed

“American Gangster” [80]: The film is a very good example of how greed and the excesses own personality and the family destroyed. Film Analysis and background [81]

You can have or be anything you want, but . . . [82]--Papillon 09:40, 19 May 2009 (UTC)

Chapter 22: The Masks of the Seven Gates


“The evil seven determine your decision long before you meet them.”

When we make decisions we think we're in control, making rational choices. But are we? Entertaining and surprising, Ariely, Professor, Duke / MIT unmasks the subtle but powerful tricks that our minds play on us. [83]

Keyword: look like harmless vices

Sins are masters of deception. Putting on their it’s-not-all-that-bad mask of naiveté to make them look like harmless vices. They appear as pure beauty, the true character hide. Nobody realize their dangerousness. Monster morph to beauties. [84] [85] [86] [87] [88] [89] [90] --Papillon 16:41, 20 May 2009 (UTC)

Keyword: Flying Spider

When imagination meets reality: Flying spider, [91] Science of Spider-Man: Chemistry Spins an Amazing Web [92] Terror Birds, [93] spitting cobra,[94] Ozelot... [[95] Interlinking fairytales and the Internet constitutes a mixed world made of reality and imagination. Fictional characters and personalities from fables come into contact with actual figures and historically established facts. --Papillon 20:40, 20 May 2009 (UTC)

These examples stand also for brand-new scientific results: Flying Spider Model [96] Africa's Naja ashei snake is not only the world's newest snake species it's also the largest spitting cobra [97] Terror Bird Skull [98]

Textbooks can form the basis. But because the development in the 21st century is progressing at an extremely rapid pace, knowledge has a shorter and shorter shelf-life. Learning content researched on the Internet is very up-to-date (in real time). --Papillon 19:26, 21 May 2009 (UTC)

kids web instead spider web: learning [99] entertainment [100]

Chapter 23: The Green Elixir

Keyword: fan image

A picture of the Mona Lisa, that free floats in the air and through which one can go...

A new screen technology produces a thin fog. In this fog the projector throws an image. Is the projector connected to a PC, you can words and pictures write and paint in the air. What a surprise. I never thought that the idea (from the tale) with the fan image exist in reality.

The more unusual the context (between tale and reality) the merrier. No idea is too small, or too big. --Papillon 13:31, 7 June 2009 (UTC)

Capitel 25: Goldfish

Keyword: one world

“No matter what the culture, birthdays are still birthdays, breakfast is breakfast, marriage is marriage, babies are babies. We all love something. We all have something that makes us sad. As I gazed up at those rock walls, the Time Capsule seemed to underscore the great promise of the Internet — that there can exist a single space where we all come together and share our stories, where we start to see common ground instead of distance and difference, and we start to think as one world.” Jonathan Harris, Creator of Yahoo! Time Capsule, Jonathan Harris [101] wants to make sense of the emotional world of the Web. With deep compassion for the human condition, his projects troll the Internet to find out what we're all feeling and looking for.--Papillon 13:06, 26 June 2009 (UTC)

Capitel 27: Flammula-The Fire Fairy

Keyword: Ballerina

English choreographer Maldoom has been initiating 'Educational Dance Projects' worldwide for more than twenty years with priority given to underprivileged teenagers.[102]

Chapter 29: The Scholars of the High Order


Tower of Growth stands for ancient and modern knowledge:

The Antikythera mechanism [103]is the first known mechanical computer by the astronomer Poseidonius.[104] It is now thought to have been built about 150–100 BC. The device is particularly surprising because it contains a differential gear, which according to the conventional view was invented not until the 13th Century.[105]

Ancient discoveries lead to new perspectives and assessments in modern science.

Wikipedia, modern Babylonian knowledge tower

Chapter 30: Gold Dust

Keyword: be free

Freedom as valuable as gold dust..

What would you do if you are imprisoned in your own country? Would you risk your life to cross the "death strip" - the Wall - ? Million tears were shed because of the wall. Couples have lost each other, children lost their parents, parents lost their children and many lost their lives. Families were divided. A country was divided. How many dreams could not be dreamed and no hope that something will change. But the unbelievable happened. During these weeks 20 years ago the people voted with their feets. Thousands of young families left the country. And then came the wonder of Berlin. On November 9th, 1989 the Berlin Wall falls. [106] [107] On this day disappears dividing line between East and West, between dictatorship and freedom. What a gift for our families, for Berlin, our country and the world. The freedom is to pay with nothing and we will never take the freedom for granted. --Papillon 21:07, 10 October 2009 (UTC)

German Chancellor Angela Merkel makes historic speech to US Congress: [108] [109]

[...]"Where there was once only a dark wall, a door suddenly opened and we all walked through it: onto the streets, into the churches, across the borders. Everyone was given the chance to build something new, to make a difference, to venture a new beginning."[...] [...]"That which brings Europeans and Americans closer together and keeps them close is a common basis of shared values. It is a common idea of the individual and his inviolable dignity. It is a common understanding of freedom in responsibility."[...]--Papillon 13:40, 4 November 2009 (UTC)

20 years later [110] Francis Fukuyama [111]--Papillon 13:47, 2 November 2009 (UTC)

Without values, the rule of law and accountability no dominion endures. Enforce the rules even in complex societies, in order to stabilize countries and protect against unrest and corruption.

On November 9, 1989, the Berlin Wall came down. The border that for decades had divided a nation into two worlds was now open.

Today many Germans say, it was not all bad in the former GDR. And they think about the free childcare. But most was not good. They seem to have forgotten: no freedom of opinion, no freedom of trade, no freedom of travel, no freedom of assembly, no free elections, some parents were forced into adoptions, no free development of personality, job prospects were limited.... at the end the state was broke. The wall has generated hate and desire for freedom. What do students know about the difference between dictatorship and democracy? Freedom and democracy are values for all of us. Please remind of the existing walls in the world [112] [113]

Great events marking the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Wall: Day of German Unity - Gigants in Berlin: A story of heart and also a story of humankind. [114] 'Festival of Freedom' - Domino Effect: Berlin Wall to fall again, in dominoes [115]--Papillon

"No wall is ever strong enough to strangle the human spirit." George H.W. Bush, 41st President of the United States.--Papillon 11:39, 9 November 2009 (UTC)

Chapter 31: El Dorado

Keyword: El Dorado

Pizarro’s greed for gold and glory and ended with the demise of a great civilization [116]

Keyword: longing for adventure

Entrepreneurship Education – inspiration to training in entrepreneurship [117] [118] [119]

Chapter 32: The Light-Thaler Thanksgiving Feast

Keyword: Saffron

What an unusual profession. I have never heard from foodhunter. Mark Brownstein foodhunter [120]

Keyword: moderate person

Be moderate when touching on sensitive issues. The philosophical concept of moderation [121]


By applying the Papillon method on this text of universal validity be treated in 33 Articles 124 topics (in the form of keywords) and via 752 educational links cross-curricular, emotional and in a vivid and understandable way imparted. (The data are subject to constant change.) That means more content, more context and more fun.

Ulrike Hammer, Teacher, Herr Drinkewitz, Teacher, Luise- und- Wilhelm-Teske Grammar School, Berlin-Schöneberg [122] have recognized the advantage of Papillon Method and expressed as follows:

“The students enjoyed it. The history teacher, Mr. Drinkewitz, was also quite enthusiastic. He meant that it's amazing how many educational content in such a short time the students have collected, remembered and edited. He does not reach with its (conventional) method. I can only confirm." Ulrike Hammer --Papillon 18:48, 21 September 2009 (UTC)

This online schoolbook is written under an open license [123] and gives everyone the freedom to use or modify the material to suit his or her own needs.

Testing the model project successfull in practice

Since February 2005, the model project “Papillon“ [124] has been successfully tested at the Ellen-Key Grammar School in Berlin[125] and is applied continuously.

Here are some voices:

How does that concept differ from other regular methods? “Students who use the “Papillon” method learn more selfresponsible, more motivated and focused as others. They often forget to disturb the classes because they pay attention to what is happening in class. Their fantasy, their interest is attrected and sometimes I was no able to calm them down in their fantasy.” Miss Günther, teacher and project leader, Berlin, Germany

Is there any measurable success? “The measurable success lies in the fact that most of the students of these courses improved. In some cases it will show up in the diploma. I can say: It was a lot of fun for the students and for myself and I wish to see more often such kind of teaching.” Miss Günther

Students report why they like the “GOLD DUST” adventure so much, how it becomes an online book and by that an experience.

“It continuesly contains exciting things that make you continue reading, because you want to know for sure what happens.”

“Not so old-fashioned and boring but gripping and funny and all in one.”

“The classes are much more relaxed and reflect a total different atmosphere then just sitting in class, the book infront of you and reading.”

“We use to look up what is mentioned in the book, for example Ozelot, the Ozelot was mentioned and one asks, Ozelot, what is Ozelot and then one looks it up in the internet where you have the possibility to search for it and then you look up google and there you find something about it and I like it, that there is this connection to the book. I think that kind of connection to the book is good.”

The students agree that the concept works.


My mission is to inspire and to fire the imagination.

Einstein once said: “Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand.”


Of this I have always dreamed of: from textbooks, which merge with the internet, that are exciting, interesting, grow with the knowledge and wich can motivate students to develop their own ideas. Meanwhile, there are the technical tools to create those kinds of books and there is the creativity of the community, which sometimes makes dreams come true.


You can play an important role, to spread the vision of the OLPC project [126] around as much as possible.

If you would like to support our efforts to make the digital textbook "GD" available to students you can add this link [127] to your home page.

Thanks to all who supported the development of the project with their creativity, intelligence, commitment and interest
and to all who make the digital textbook "GD" available to students. Special thanks to SJ Klein and the OLPC team.

External links


Hello! and inclusion on XO websites


There is no easy way to guarantee inclusion of Papillon on XOs. The best way to get thousands of children to use it is to package it as a collection and post it to the activities page -- and to the new site at Collections are simply zipped up directories containing the html, your index page, and a special library/ file. See Making a collection for details.

It's great to see it completed; and it will help drive adoption if you can get one school to implement Papillon in the classroom and write about the experience. Then teachers in other countries could read about that, encourage their administrators to add it to their XOs, and potentially get the book included on the next country-wide update for all laptops in the country.

Cheers, --Sj talk

Please be careful

Your edits of XO Korea/ministry of education/regional authority/chungnam/yaesan did not seem appropriate and so I reverted them. cjl 06:20, 10 January 2010 (UTC)

Thanks for the hint. I must have misunderstood the significance of the site.--Papillon 16:24, 11 January 2010 (UTC)

Thanks so much to the person who protects the project and the site. --Papillon 09:44, 14 January 2010 (UTC)