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It Takes a Village...

VERY ROUGH DRAFT: (HTML), (~100 pages / 100+ MB, as of Sept 2009)

Please add other resources, with links if possible, to the following list. Please feel free to add comments about any of these resources if you wish. Additionally, if you feel the resource has potential material to include in a future instructional DVD for new XO users, please mark the resource "+DVD."


OLPC Flickr

OLPCorps Flickr

Important Information for all OLPC Deployments

Preparation for deployment (anecdoted by real-life experiences)

Country specific deployment guides and Sugar Installation
Deployment resources (to be merged into main stream)
Class-Act tips from an experienced volunteer - Sean Laurence discusses his personal experience and useful tips for OLPC volunteers who are about to go on a deployment.
OLPC Startup in 5 Easy Pieces - Bryan Berry's Nepal experiences. Learn what can go wrong, as you build your deployment team
Deployment Guide from Michael Hutak, based on Walter Bender's Deployment guide
OLPC Oceania / Michael Hutak's great learning/deployment resource listing
OLPC France's Amazing Media Archive (in French)
Deployment FAQ

Sugar and XO: Technical Preparation

Sugar : Technical manual, installation and troubleshooting
Technical issues and solutions (to be merged with Technical Manual)
Presenting Sugar
Sugar Learning Photo Gallery
Sugar Labs' Lesson Plan resources and Martin Dengler's Lesson plan template
NANDblaster Use it to flash a software image onto multiple XO's at once (to be moved)

Cost estimation for deployments

Using workbook to estimate a deployment cost

Train the Trainer: How teachers/educators can help make change

Guide for Educators
Try stealing great classroom ideas from the many independent Projects arising from OLPC's Contributors Program
Illustrated elementary curriculum site Refer for curriculum set up and school organizing ideas
Moodle: Using Open Source to Support Education by Martin Dougiamas
OLPC AF Downloads : Teacher training content, monitoring and evaluation materials
Australia's very impressively colorful 20-page OLPC Teacher Guide (1.5 MB) by Jonathan Nalder, Caboolture.
Gabon/FranXOphonie Pedagogic Guide, Google Translation to English, OLPC France's Wikified version (by Kaçandre Bourdelais, in French)
XO-Measure-Manipulate-Reflect guide on how to build your own cheap sensors by Claudia
Community-Mapping lesson plans from Claudia
Alex Jones' Teacher's Tools (Game Design student @ Rochester Inst of Tech)
An amazing new manual from Peru (The XO Laptop in the Classroom, great for teachers) added to our list of Manuals
Lesson plans, tutorials & research studies from "Hello Laptop, Hello World" in Cambridge, Massachusetts
A broad selection of Academic Papers and Constructionism insights may help you reflect on advancing your implementation support.
The Librarian Chick's free textbook catalog

Manuals, Handbooks and User Guides

Documentation projects in progress (to be merged or linked)
OLPCorps Learning Guide (10 pages) OLPC mission, stories, activity lists and FAQ
Where There's No Doctor? Amazing 400+ page internationalist health guide: File:WTND TOC and Intro.pdf

OLPC Deployment Stories

Deployment places

(Section to be modified)


Kenya Arid zone Primary School deployment mission starting early 2010:

OLPC Workshop for Education Officers in Tuvalu January 21-22, 2010 (87p, 1.21MB)


Cambridge_Friends_School 4 Summary Docs (at bottom of mailing list post, and here!)

Very up-to-date OLPC Nauru reportage and May 2009 29-page DRAFT REPORT File:Leeming-Nauru-OLPC-Apr-May-2009-Report (draft 1).pdf fostered by David Leeming. (video)

See also his (1) OLPC Solomon Islands work (2) Teacher tips/XS/Solar summary and (3) Community Radio idea!

DRAFT FLIER/CHAPTER File:XOsflyer3.pdf by Scott Carollo of Gallaudet Univ Art Dept, with help from Kevin Cole and Caryl Bigenho's original writeup on Pakistan.
DRAFT LAYOUT PROPOSAL #2 (using Scribus, SVerma): File:Story-layout-test-sverma.pdf with his graphics materials

DRAFT LAYOUT PROPOSAL #3 (JGay): File:Book-draft-layout-by-jgay.pdf

DRAFT LAYOUT PROPOSAL #4: 1000-XO Deployment Story in File:Dujiangyan-Sichuan-China.pdf by OLPC Asia / Hong Kong (18-page PDF, June 2009)

XOs in El Salvador: A community deployment in Chalatenango (Presentation to DC by Jeff Elkner, Sept 19th 2009). Also available in PDF: File:XOs in El Salvador.pdf

Uruguay's Plan Ceibal: The world's most ambitious roll-out of educational technologies? Includes video. Summary by Michael Trucano, World Bank's Senior ICT and Education Policy Specialist. Discussing Miguel Brechner's 19-page slide presentation "One Laptop per Child and per Teacher" here: File:2162969-uruguay-plan-ceibal.pdf

Beth Santos' impressive Sao Tome deployment presentation from Dec 30, 2009: File:Olpc-in-sao-joao--sao-tome.pdf (1.26MB) and blog summary

December 2009's Babson College project report on Strategies for Sugar deployments in US schools: report (66 pages, 412KB), presentation (35 pages, 655KB)

Heroic Waveplace/OLPC deployment stories in Nicaragua: Excellent summary of their approach, whose structure is likely evolving for their post-earthquake work in Haiti.

Translation Success Story! (english auto-translation) in French


Final Report Evaluation of OLPC in Solomon Islands (PDF)


"Got Implementation?" Nepal article from Jan 2007 incl fun logo!

Other content

Billy Grissom's Gorgeous 4p Intro Sheets (UC Berkeley, Uganda, not yet published)

In Spanish

Excellent "La Laptop XO En El Aula" by Sdenka Salas in Peru. See also English translation & others, eg. this NEW 31-page XO starter guide. (15MB)

(to be moved)
Uruguay/Ceibal's impact/implications booklet (hilarious cartoons!)

A set of images of pages from the Uruguay/Ceibal book on Flickr for somewhat easier browsing 1

A Flickr slideshow of the Uruguay/Ceibal book book pages 2

Uruguay's colorful 48-page starter guide: "Manual Basico XO" (2da edicion) (2.5MB)

"Proyecto Flor de Ceibo" (Uruguay's March 2009 report)

Mexico's Mochilla Digital workshops. Includes presentation, workshop lesson plans, participants workbooks. Good presentation of constructionism. [1]. Three teachers workshop guides, second one has extensive coverage of Constructionism, Collaborative Learning, and Project Based Learning. Way too long...might be excellent if translated and condensed. All produced by TelMex / Carlos Slim's foundation.

Mochilla Digital's "Tools" 19 Activity Guides plus extras. Some screen shots are from earlier versions of Sugar, but instructions are excellent. [2]

Peru's Teacher Topic Guides

Varios Recursos_en_espanol