
Revision as of 09:10, 14 February 2007 by Jacobolus (talk | contribs)
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There are monolingual and bilingual dictionaries for a remarkable number of languages available on the Web or as Free Software. You are invited to create one for your language, or to contribute to an existing project. Also thesauri, dictionaries of specialized terms (medicine, Net Jargon, etc.). Dictionaries for Input methods, text-to-speech and speech recognition are not listed here. There are also tools for creating dictionaries of various kinds to use with various software, including vocabulary drill for language study.


Free Software

This list is meant to indicate the range of software available. It is in no way complete.


  • Debian Junior Writing (editors and spelling checker)
  • aspell about 40 languages
  • ispell about 35 languages
  • myspell about 40 languages

Dictionary servers

  • dict more than 50 languages
  • Serpento dict server with full Unicode support


  • dict-moby-thesaurus Moby Thesaurus
  • dict-bouvier English legal dictionary for US
  • dict-foldoc Free OnLine dictionary of computing terms
  • dict-vera Computer acronyms
  • The On-Line Hacker Jargon File, version 4.4.4
  • leksbot Botany and biology
  • rhyme

Chinese characters

  • giten Japanese Kanji dictionary
  • kanjidic Japanese Kanji dictionary
  • kiten Japanese Kanji dictionary
  • hanzim Chinese dictionary
  • pydict English/Chinese dictionary
  • stardict English/Chinese dictionary
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