XS Community Edition/0.2

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Welcome to XS-CE 0.2

For the impatient please jump to Get Started to download and install your own School Server

Setting up a computer as a school server software enables it to act as an Access Point which connected laptops can use to access the internet.

Service: Web server Purpose: Building block for many other extended services

Service: proxy server and web cache Purpose: bandwidth, web-filtering, web-monitoring

Service: OLPC-update Purpose: OLPC-update is necessary to update the kernel of XO

Service: Activity update Purpose: Enables teachers to easily distribute new or updated activities to their students

Service: Virtual Private Network (VPN) Purpose: Creating secure point-to-point or site-to-site connections in routed or bridged configurations and remote access facilities

Provides core AP features plus a small set of critical extended services on an XO 1.75.

1. Build on self-discipline learned in 0.1

2. Initial modularity. I.E. must deal with different hardware configurations at install time.

3. Atomic tasks coordinated by regular releases.

4. Extend "Feedback, fix, finished product" loop to include remote developers and testers.