User talk:Felice/website copy

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Notes on (fake) typos

110 msgid "foundation"
111 msgstr "participate"
113 msgid "foundationlink"
114 msgstr "link to participate"
# shouldn't they read 'foundation' instead of 'participate' the msgstr?
well, we are using participate even though we really mean foundation...
no problem, is just that some lines later you have the 'participate' links themselves... ;)
273 msgid "missionp2"
274 msgstr "...
            contribute to the commonweal, because it lacks the tools to do so."
#                             commonweal?
commonweal means "The public good or welfare."

Typos, real or fake?

msgid "interfacetitle"
msgstr "OLPC is about to shake up things once more"
msgid "interfacep2"
msgstr "OLPC is about to shake up things once more"
#        same text?

math quote

msgid "faqa3a"
msgstr "Finally, regarding recycled machines: if we estimate 100 million available 
	   used desktops, and each one requires only one hour of human attention to 
	   refurbish, reload, and handle, that is forty-five thousand work years. Thus, 
	   while we definitely encourage the recycling of used computers, it is not the 
	   solution for One Laptop per Child."
#	REVIEW - wrong math! 45Ky is assuming 4 tasks of 1hr each... we have just 3 tasks
#             probably the quote lost a task along the way... 
#             ...not that it matters much, since we are still talking about 34Ky ;)

Spanish translation notes

Children => Chico o Niño
I have systematically used 'chico' (instead of 'niño') mainly because: (a) it sort of preserves the OLPC name (technically it would be ULPC instead of ULPN), and (b) you can type in any latin keyboard ;) But given that this translation will be more 'official' (read non-wiki) it could be an appropriate time to think about which should be the official or de-facto standard in spanish...
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
# What (if anything) should go there?