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msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: OLPC website files Version 2.0\n" "POT-Creation-Date::00-0500\n" "PO-Revision-Date::21-0500\n" "Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n" "Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"

  1. general terms and content used on many pages

msgid "align" msgstr "_: 언어 배치 (좌우) 입니다."

msgid "lang" msgstr "kr"

msgid "xml:lang" msgstr "kr"

msgid "olpc" msgstr "One Laptop per Child (OLPC)"

msgid "titletext" msgstr "아동 교육을 위한 $100 노트북 컴퓨터"

msgid "description" msgstr "One Laptop per Child (OLPC)는 아동 교육에 혁신적 변화를 가져다 줄 것으로 예상되는 $100 노트북 컴퓨터 개발을 연구하는 비영리 협회입니다."

msgid "keywords" msgstr "OLPC, One Laptop per Child, 노트북, 교육적 명제, 자원봉사, 아동, 아동 표현, 아동 탐구, 아동 학습, 아동 자원, 교육, OLPC 위키, OLPC 학습 비전, 오픈소스 소프트웨어, 비영리 협회, 인도적 프로젝트, OLPC 재단."

msgid "copyright" msgstr "컨텐트 저작권 <a href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.5/" target="_blank">Creative Commons Attribution 2.5</a>"

msgid "copyrightnolink" msgstr "컨텐트는 Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 하에서 가용합니다."

msgid "skiplink" msgstr "컨텐트로 이동"

msgid "logo" msgstr "홈페이지로 이동"

msgid "readmore" msgstr "더 읽기"

msgid "viewtimeline" msgstr "타임라인 보기"

msgid "vision" msgstr "비전"

msgid "visionlink" msgstr "비전으로 연결"

msgid "mission" msgstr "미션"

msgid "missionlink" msgstr "미션으로 연결"

msgid "progress" msgstr "진행"

msgid "progresslink" msgstr "진행으로 연결"

msgid "news" msgstr "뉴스"

msgid "newslink" msgstr "뉴스로 연결"

msgid "people" msgstr "사람들"

msgid "peoplelink" msgstr "사람들로 연결"

msgid "laptop" msgstr "노트북"

msgid "laptoplink" msgstr "노트북으로 연결"

msgid "hardware" msgstr "하드웨어"

msgid "hardwarelink" msgstr "하드웨어로 연결"

msgid "software" msgstr "소프트웨어"

msgid "softwarelink" msgstr "소프트웨어로 연결"

msgid "interface" msgstr "인터페이스"

msgid "interfacelink" msgstr "인터페이스로 연결"

msgid "design" msgstr "디자인"

msgid "designlink" msgstr "디자인으로 연결"

  1. please note that we are referring to the foundation as "participate" on the page, hence the mismatch between the id and the string below.

msgid "foundation" msgstr "참여하기"

msgid "foundationlink" msgstr "참여로 연결"

msgid "purpose" msgstr "목적"

msgid "purposelink" msgstr "목적으로 연결"

msgid "program" msgstr "프로그램"

msgid "programlink" msgstr "프로그램으로 연결"

msgid "participate" msgstr "참여하기"

msgid "participatelink" msgstr "참여하기로 연결"

msgid "propose" msgstr "제안"

msgid "proposelink" msgstr "제안하기로 연결"

msgid "children" msgstr "아동"

msgid "childrenlink" msgstr "아동으로 연결"

msgid "olpcwiki" msgstr "olpc 위키"

msgid "olpcwikilink" msgstr "OLPC 위키로 연결"

msgid "career" msgstr "커리어"

msgid "careerlink" msgstr "l커리어로 연결"

msgid "contact" msgstr "접촉"

msgid "contactlink" msgstr "접촉으로 연결"

msgid "sitemap" msgstr "사이트맵"

msgid "sitemaplink" msgstr "사이트맵으로 연결"

msgid "languages" msgstr "언어"

msgid "languageslink" msgstr "언어로 연결"

msgid "altlogo" msgstr "로고: one laptop per child"

msgid "altlogofoundation" msgstr "로고: OLPC 재단"

msgid "educationalproposition" msgstr "교육적 명제"

msgid "FAQ" msgstr "자주묻는 질문"

msgid "designedby" msgstr "Designed by"

msgid "poweredby" msgstr "Powered by"

msgid "highlights" msgstr "하이라이트"

msgid "features" msgstr "특징"

msgid "specs" msgstr "스펙"

msgid "benefits" msgstr "좋은 점"

msgid "principles" msgstr "원칙"

msgid "demo" msgstr "데모"

msgid "developers" msgstr "개발자"

msgid "exploring" msgstr "탐구하기"

msgid "expressing" msgstr "표현하기"

msgid "learning" msgstr "배우기"

msgid "resources" msgstr "자원"

msgid "December" msgstr "12월"

msgid "November" msgstr "11월"

msgid "October" msgstr "10월"

msgid "September" msgstr "9월"

msgid "August" msgstr "8월"

msgid "July" msgstr "7월"

msgid "June" msgstr "6월"

msgid "May" msgstr "5월"

msgid "April" msgstr "4월"

msgid "March" msgstr "3월"

msgid "February" msgstr "2월"

msgid "January" msgstr "1월"

  1. These pages (vision, laptop, foundation, and children) are used for the top level of the hierarchy
  1. vision.html

msgid "visiontitle" msgstr "비젼: 저개발국 아동들은 교육기회가 부족합니다."

msgid "visiondescription" msgstr "Nearly two-billion children in the developing world are inadequately educated. The individual and societal consequences of this chronic global crisis are profound. Children are consigned to a life of poverty and isolation." 저개발국의 거의 20억에 달하는 아동들은 교육기회를 제대로 갖지못합니다. 이러한 지구적 위기의 개인 및 사회적 결과는 심각합니다. 아동들은 가난과 고립이라는 운명 속에 던져집니다.""

msgid "visionkeywords" msgstr ""OLPC, One Laptop per Child, 교육, 전통적 교육, 가난, 고립, 배우기, 학교 짓기, 교사 채용하기, 책 사기, 교육적 경험, 컴퓨터, 프로그래밍 가능한 도구."

msgid "visionp1" msgstr "“이것은 교육 프로젝트이지 랩탑 프로젝트가 아닙니다.”"

msgid "visionp2" msgstr "— 니콜라스 네그로폰테 (Nicholas Negroponte)"

msgid "visionp3" msgstr "우리의 목표: 전세계 아동들에게 그들 자신을 탐구하고, 경험하며, 표현할 새로운 기회를 제공하는 것."

msgid "visionp4" msgstr "The project's origins go back more than four decades to the early days of computing, when most machines were still the size of small dinosaurs, and almost no one dreamed they would ever be suitable for children. But pioneering thinkers like Seymour Papert disagreed sharply, and over time led the long march from radical theory to reality proving the immense power of the personal computer as a learning tool for children."

msgid "visionp5" msgstr "The laptop generates a steady stream of international press coverage. Click below for the OLPC latest news, as well as for an extensive print and electronic press archive."

msgid "visionp6" msgstr "OLPC was founded by Nicholas Negroponte with a core of Media Lab veterans, but quickly expanded to include a wide range of exceptionally talented and dedicated people from academia, industry, the arts, business, and the open-source community. Each individual involved brings a unique skill set, and a deep personal passion, to the project."

  1. laptop.html

msgid "laptoptitle" msgstr "Laptop: A learning tool created expressly for children in developing nations"

msgid "laptopdescription" msgstr "The XO is a potent learning tool created expressly for the world's poorest children living in its most remote environments. The laptop was designed collaboratively by experts from both academia and industry."

msgid "laptopkeywords" msgstr "OLPC, One Laptop per Child, laptop, XO laptop, learning tool, nonprofit humanitarian project, flexible, ultra low-cost, power-efficient, responsive, durable machine, hardware, wireless router, TFT screen, self-refreshing display, resolution, transmissive mode, full-color mode, reflective mode, high-resolution mode, LCD power consumption, CPU, video camera, external USB2.0 ports, SD-card slot, memory, chipset, graphics controller, flexible design , design, kid-sized, NiMH batteries, recharge-cycle, toxic heavy metals, learning experience, linux, open-source, FOSS."

msgid "laptoph1" msgid "hardware"

msgid "laptopp1" msgstr "A unique machine with features created specifically for children of the emerging world."

msgid "laptoph2" msgid "software"

msgid "laptopp2" msgstr "We want the child to interact with XO on as deep a level as he or she desires. Children program the machine, not the other way around."

msgid "laptoph3" msgid "interface"

msgid "laptopp3" msgstr "XO has a user interface that graphically embraces the spirit of the network. It is all about community and collaboration—working and playing together to learn, create and communicate."

msgid "laptoph4" msgid "design"

msgid "laptopp4" msgstr "This is a very distinctive machine; rugged, durable, and child-friendly, inside and out."

  1. foundation.html

msgid "foundationtitle" msgstr "One Laptop per Child Foundation, Invest your money and your time - OLPC Foundation"

msgid "foundationdescription" msgstr "Learn about the mission of the OLPC Foundation, its organization and leadership."

msgid "foundationkeywords" msgstr "OLPC Foundation, non-profit association, tax-exempt social benefit organization, mission, grassroots initiatives, learning tools, education, children, Cambridge Center, Cambridge Massachusetts, Nicholas Negroponte, Richard Rowe, Ashton Hawkins, Robert D. Fadel, Calestous Juma."

msgid "giveagift" msgstr "give a gift"

msgid "foundationp1" msgstr "Learn about the mission of the OLPC Foundation, its organization and leadership. "

msgid "foundationp2" msgstr "See the kinds of programs under consideration by the Foundation. "

msgid "foundationp3" msgstr "Get involved with One Laptop per Child by investing in one or more programs and volunteering your services. "

msgid "foundationp4" msgstr "Propose a Special Laptop Program or Grassroots Learning Initiative. "

  1. children.html

msgid "childrentitle" msgstr "Children: Children actively engage in knowledge construction"

msgid "childrendescription" msgstr "Children actively engage in knowledge construction and are not limited to passive reception of information. They can learn by teaching, actively assisting other learners and thereby liberating the teacher to focus her experience and expertise where most needed."

msgid "childrenkeywords" msgstr "OLPC, One Laptop per Child, laptop, education, poverty, children isolation, learning, schools, teachers, books, school equipment, developing world, computer, knowledge, potential"

msgid "childrenp1" msgstr "The XO gives learners opportunities they have not had before. Tools such as a Web browser, rich media player, and e-book reader bring into reach domains of knowledge that are otherwise difficult-or impossible-for children to access."

msgid "childrenp2" msgstr "The XO helps children build upon their active interest in the world around them to engage with powerful ideas. Tools for writing, composing, simulating, expressing, constructing, designing, modeling, imagining, creating, critiquing, debugging, and collaborating enable children to become positive, contributing members of their communities."

msgid "childrenp3" msgstr "The XO takes learners beyond instruction. They are actively engaged in a process of learning through doing. Children also learn by teaching, actively assisting other learners."

msgid "childrenp4" msgstr "The XO not only delivers the world to children, but also brings the best practices of children and their teachers to the world. Each school represents a learning hub; a node in a globally shared resource for learning."

  1. These pages are linked from all pages
  1. contact.html

msgid "contacth1" msgstr "How to get in touch with OLPC"

msgid "contacth2" msgstr "General information:"

msgid "contacth3" msgstr "Press inquiries:"

msgid "contacth4" msgstr "Hardware, software, and technology issues:"

msgid "contacth5" msgstr "Information on specific countries:"

msgid "contacth6" msgstr "Content inquiries:"

msgid "contacth7" msgstr "Volunteer opportunities:"

msgid "contacth8" msgstr "Donating to OLPC:"

  1. languages.html

msgid "languagesh1" msgstr "Help us translate the OLPC website into your native language"

msgid "languagesp1" msgstr "Please start from the POT template found in our wiki (<a href="http://wiki.laptop.org/go/PO-laptop.org" target="_blank">http://wiki.laptop.org/go/PO-laptop.org</a>)."

msgid "languagesp2" msgstr "We have on-going translation projects in Arabic, Bengali, Catalan, Danish, German, Greek, English (US), Farsi (Persian), Finnish, French, Hausa, Hindi, Indonesian, Igbo, Italian, Japanese, Lao, Nepali, Norwegian, Dutch, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Swedish, Telugu, Turkish, Thai, Ukrainian, Vietnamese, Yoruba, Traditional Chinese, and Simplified Chinese."