XO Korea/Core Ideas

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OLPC Korea is developing ONLY a game: XO City, & NO relation with the OLPC Foundation.


XO Korea is a small civil community intended to integrate Vision 2030 Plan of the Korean government, OLPC: One Laptop Per Child, FEA: Federal Enterprise Architecture of the US government, and open source communities such as Mozilla. XO Korea was started by a few Korean citizens, most of them residing in the Jejudo island of Korea.

We are just a few citizens. And, who we are is quite simple, mostly farmers and fishers. But, what we are doing is not so simple.

Most of our projects are based on OLPC and its variations; XO Korea/Korea 2030 Plan, XO Korea/XO Variations, XO Korea/Open Enterprise Architecture and XO Korea/Local Communities etc.

Via OLPC and its variations, we pursue a kind of World Automation based on Open Knowledge Communites. So, it's quite clear that we are pursuing Worldwide Knowledge Base on OLPC;more organized than wikipedia, but quite less structured than current school-driven educational systems.

We are, just conceptually, disassembling every nation into more than 300,000 social sections (a social unit producing values); then, we

  • write XO Korea/Learning Outcomes for every social section,
  • write the work-flow of each social section,
  • establish relationships among those social sections worldwide, and
  • applying our OEA after extending FEA: Federal Enterprise Architecture into Open Enterprise Architecture; Open, Global and both public and private(market) Areas.

As an example for our approaches to private sectors, we are now analyzing the work flow of a governmental banking system of Korea (Korea Industrial Bank) to make knowledge base, to draw workflows, and to automate each division and each desk of the bank. After analyzing and programming those work flows, we expect only one-tenth (1/10) of the current human resources be enough to run the entire bank, resulting much better financial achievements, not to mention of every child of the world learning every detail of how a bank operates.

Also, we are to simulate all divisions of the Korean governments, based on FEA: Federal Enterprise Architecture. For example, we are analyzing the work flow of XO Korea/Cenral Government/the Ministry of Construction & Transportation to test the possibility of running the organization with only one-tenth (1/10) of the current human resources as is the case of the bank above.

For this purpose, we are;

  • analyzing the entire social sections of a nation (for example, we classified the Korean government into more than 150,000 seperate sections and extracted more than 80,000 functions from those 150,000+ sections. Each section performs some of the 80,000+ functions and each function is shared by more than 1 section(s))
  • writing the knowledge base and the work flows of each section using workflow languages such as XO Korea/YAWL
  • programming the work flow using various toolkits (especially Python-related ones)

But, our programming activities for those workflows itself is now enough to automate social entities such as governments (those entities depending on repetitive and spriritual labors).

We need two more conditions;

  • the 1/10 human labors should be highly educated with Information Technologies and each be collaborate with other globally, that's exactly what OLPC pursues, as long as our understanding.
  • not only governments or business entities, but customers' activities also should be automated. That is, all citizens should be equipped with some state-of-art hardwares and softwares. We think XO (and its variations) is exactly that kind of machine.

It's like client/server architecture. Our government modules may be regarded as server modules and those hardwares and softwares of customers as client modules. Of course, it's not a perfect explanation. Because, in our system architecture, every server is a client to other servers and every client is a server to other clients.

For every citizen of the world, XO Korea plans to provide some XO-based hardwares, softwares and server related modules. Some of them are;

In a near future, every division of the Korean government will be closely collaborating with other domestic and foreign governmental divisions (or organizations and personnels). Via RSS, RDF, ATOM and other technologies, a change in a division of the Korean government will be notified by other divisions of domestic and foreign nations in real time.

In summary, XO Korea is establishing;

  • XO Korea/XO Phone: much smaller OLPC.
  • XO Korea/Open Enterprise Architecture: the relationship between OEA and FEA is like that between Unix and Linux. OEA is an open (rather than closed), global (rather than a national wide) and total (rather than public only) Enterprise Architecture.

See also;