Localization/Library/books po

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This is a pseudo-PO file for the books section of the OLPC's sample library.

#  Book: Address

msgid "libro-address-numero"
#en msgstr "1"
#es msgstr "1"
#pt msgstr "1"
#fr msgstr "1"

msgid "libro-address-titulo"
#en msgstr "Address"
#es msgstr "Dirección"

msgid "libro-address-autor1"
#en msgstr "Authors - Ahmad Reza Ahmadi"
#es msgstr "Autor - Ahmad Reza Ahmadi"

msgid "libro-address-autor2"
#en msgstr  "Illustrators - Sharareh Khosravani"
#es msgstr "Ilustrador - Sharareh Khosravani"

msgid "libro-address-comentario1"
#en msgstr "Grandma was sick and coughed all the time so her grandson went to the store to get more medicine. Finding the store was harder than he thought since he couldn't understand the people he showed the ad..."
#es msgstr "La abuela está enferma y tose todo el tiempo, su nieto entonces va a la tienda para buscar alguna medicina. Encontrar la tienda fué más difícil de lo que pensó ya que no podía entender a la gente que le mostraba..."

msgid "libro-address-comentario2"
#en msgstr ""
#es msgstr ""

msgid "libro-address-idioma"
#en msgstr	"Persian / Farsi"
#es msgstr "Persa / Farsi"

msgid "libro-address-fecha"
#en msgstr "1384 (Iranian Calendar)"
#es msgstr "1384 (Calendario Iraní)"

#  Book: Asleep and awake

msgid "libro-asleep-numero"
#en msgstr "2"
#es msgstr "2"
#pt msgstr "2"
#fr msgstr "2"

msgid "libro-asleep-titulo"
#en msgstr "Asleep and awake"
#es msgstr "Dormido y despierto"

msgid "libro-asleep-autor1"
#en msgstr "Authors and Illustrators - Azita Arta"
#es msgstr "Autor e Ilustrador - Azita Arta"

msgid "libro-asleep-autor2"
#en msgstr ""
#es msgstr ""

msgid "libro-asleep-comentario1"
#en msgstr "A stranger told Mahan, a merchant, he had profited from a trade and asked him to follow him. He followed the stranger into the desert but the stranger disappeared. Then, another man and woman promised..."
#es msgstr "Un desconocido le dijo a Mahan, un mercader, que tuvo suerte en un negocio y le pidió que lo siguiera. Siguió al desconocido al desierto pero desapareció. Después, otro hombre y una mujer le prometieron..."

msgid "libro-asleep-comentario2"
#en msgstr "Awards - Selected title of the Bratislava Biennial of lllustrations-Selected title of the Bologna Illustrators Exhibition-BolognaRagazzi Award -- New Horizons (awarded to the series)"
#es msgstr "Premios - Obra seleccionada en la Bienal de Bratislavia de Ilustraciones-Obra seleccionada en la Exposición de Ilustradores de Bologna-Premio BolognaRagazzi -- New Horizons (premio a la serie)"

msgid "libro-asleep-idioma"
#en msgstr "Persian / Farsi"
#es msgstr "Persa / Farsi"

msgid "libro-asleep-fecha"
#en msgstr "2000"
#en msgstr "2000"

#  Book: Aunt, dear Aunt, kind Daddy

msgid "libro-dearaunt-numero"
#en msgstr "3"
#es msgstr "3"
#pt msgstr "3"
#fr msgstr "3"

msgid "libro-dearaunt-titulo"
#en msgstr "Aunt, dear Aunt, kind Daddy"
#es msgstr "Tía, querida Tía, Papi amable"

msgid "libro-dearaunt-autor1"
#en msgstr "Authors - Mostafa Rahmandoust"
#es msgstr "Autor - Mostafa Rahmandoust"

msgid "libro-dearaunt-autor2"
#en msgstr "Illustrators - Ali Namvar"
#es msgstr "Ilustrador - Ali Namvar"

msgid "libro-dearaunt-comentario1"
#en msgstr "A girl leaves home to escape her arranged marriage."
#es msgstr "Una niña huye de su casa para escaparse de un matrimonio arreglado."

msgid "libro-dearaunt-comentario2"
#en msgstr ""
#en msgstr ""

msgid "libro-dearaunt-idioma"
#en msgstr "Persian / Farsi"
#es msgstr "Persa / Farsi"

msgid "libro-dearaunt-fecha"
#en msgstr "1381 (Iranian Calendar)"
#es msgstr "1381 (Calendario Iraní)"

#  Book: The blue sky

msgid "libro-bluesky-numero"
#en msgstr "4"
#es msgstr "4"
#pt msgstr "4"
#fr msgstr "4"

msgid "libro-bluesky-titulo"
#en msgstr "The blue sky"
#es msgstr "El cielo azul"

msgid "libro-bluesky-autor1"
#en msgstr "Authors and Illustrators - Andrea Petrlik Huseinović"
#es msgstr "Autor e Ilustrador - Andrea Petrlik Huseinović"

msgid "libro-bluesky-autor2"
#en msgstr "Translators - Ludwig Bauer"
#es msgstr "Traductor - Ludwig Bauer"

msgid "libro-bluesky-comentario1"
#en msgstr "A sad and lonely little girl dreams of seeing her mother again as she watches the clouds in the sky. One day, she meets a strange bird who helps the girl return to her mother."
#en msgstr "Una triste y solitaria niña sueña con ver a su madre nuevamente mientras mira las nubes en el cielo. Un día, se encuentra con un extraño pájaro que la ayuda a volver con su madre."

msgid "libro-bluesky-comentario2"
#en msgstr "Awards - Grigor Vitez Award-BIB (Biennial of Illustration), Bratislava, Gold Plaque"
#es msgstr "Premios - Premio Grigor Vitez-BIB (Bienal de Ilustración), Bratislava, Placa de Oro"

msgid "libro-bluesky-idioma"
#en msgstr "English"
#es msgstr "Inglés"

msgid "libro-bluesky-fecha"
#en msgstr "2001"
#es msgstr "2001"

#  Book: The Captain

msgid "libro-captain-numero"
#en msgstr "5"
#es msgstr "5"
#pt msgstr "5"
#fr msgstr "5"

msgid "libro-captain-titulo"
#en msgstr "The Captain"
#es msgstr "El Capitán"

msgid "libro-captain-autor1"
#en msgstr "Authors - Liliana Santirso"
#es msgstr "Autora - Liliana Santirso"

msgid "libro-captain-autor2"
#en msgstr "Illustrators - Patricio Gómez"
#es msgstr "Ilustrador - Patricio Gómez"

msgid "libro-captain-comentario1"
#en msgstr "The Captain was just a boy when he set foot on a ship called the Sebastian. He spent many years on the ship and with it shared many adventures. But, can he lead his crew through the toughest waters o..."
#es msgstr "El Capitán era solo un chico cuando pisó por primera vez el barco llamado Sebastián. Pasó muchos años en ese barco y compartieron muchas aventuras. Pero puede comandar su tripulación a través de las peligrosas aguas d..."

msgid "libro-captain-comentario2"
#en msgstr ""
#es msgstr ""

msgid "libro-captain-idioma"
#en msgstr "Spanish"
#es msgstr "Castellano"

msgid "libro-captain-fecha"
#en msgstr "1998"
#es msgstr "1998"

#  Book: Ciconia Ciconia

msgid "libro-ciconia-numero"
#en msgstr "6"
#es msgstr "6"
#pt msgstr "6"
#fr msgstr "6"

msgid "libro-ciconia-titulo"
#en msgstr "Ciconia Ciconia"
#es msgstr "Ciconia Ciconia"

msgid "libro-ciconia-autor1"
#en msgstr "Authors and Illustrators - Andrea Petrlik Huseinović"
#es msgstr "Autor e Ilustrador - Andrea Petrlik Huseinović"

msgid "libro-ciconia-autor2"
#en msgstr ""
#es msgstr ""

msgid "libro-ciconia-comentario1"
#en msgstr "When the white stork's Croatian village is destroyed by war, he searches for a new place to live. However, he finds out that there's no place like home."
#es msgstr "Cuando la aldea Croata de la cigüeña blanca fue destruida por la guerra, ella busca un nuevo lugar en donde vivir, descubriendo que no hay un lugar como el hogar."

msgid "libro-ciconia-comentario2"
#en msgstr "Awards - Grand Prize, Oita Biennial of Illustrations-Selected title of the White Ravens"
#es msgstr "Premios - Gran Premio, Bienal Oita de Ilustración-Obra seleccionada por White Ravens"

msgid "libro-ciconia-idioma"
#en msgstr "Croatian"
#es msgstr "Croata"

msgid "libro-ciconia-fecha"
#en msgstr "2003"
#es msgstr "2003"

#  Book: I like to play with books

msgid "libro-playwithbooks-numero"
#en msgstr "7"
#es msgstr "7"
#pt msgstr "7"
#fr msgstr "7"

msgid "libro-playwithbooks-titulo"
#en msgstr "I like to play with books"
#es msgstr "Me gusta jugar con libros"

msgid "libro-playwithbooks-autor1"
#en msgstr "Authors - Liliana Santirso"
#es msgstr "Autra - Liliana Santirso"

msgid "libro-playwithbooks-autor2"
#en msgstr "Illustrators - Raúl Villagómez~Patricio Gómez"
#es msgstr "Ilustradores - Raúl Villagómez~Patricio Gómez"

msgid "libro-playwithbooks-comentario1"
#en msgstr "This is a short story about why a child loves to play with books."
#es msgstr "Un cuento corto de por qué un chico le encanta jugar con libros."

msgid "libro-playwithbooks-comentario2"
#en msgstr ""
#es msgstr ""

msgid "libro-playwithbooks-idioma"
#en msgstr "Spanish"
#es msgstr "Castellano"

msgid "libro-playwithbooks-fecha"
#en msgstr "1998"
#es msgstr "1998"

#  Book: Little Fluff and his brothers

msgid "libro-fluff-numero"
#en msgstr "8"
#es msgstr "8"
#pt msgstr "8"
#fr msgstr "8"

msgid "libro-fluff-titulo"
#en msgstr "Little Fluff and his brothers"
#es msgstr "Pequeña Pelusa y sus hermanos"

msgid "libro-fluff-autor1"
#en msgstr "Authors - Daniel Barradas"
#es msgstr "Autor - Daniel Barradas"

msgid "libro-fluff-autor2"
#en msgstr "Illustrators - Carla Pott"
#es msgstr "Ilustradora - Carla Pott"

msgid "libro-fluff-comentario1"
#en msgstr "This is the story of a little pink fluff that was born in the navel of a girl. Unlike the others, that turned grey with time, this little fluff never lost its color. He felt lonely because he was di..."
#es msgstr "Esta es la historia de una pequeña pelusa rosa que nació en el ombligo de una niña. A diferencia de otros, que se ponían grises con el tiempo, esta pequeña pelusa nunca perdió su color. Se sentía sola porque le..."

msgid "libro-fluff-comentario2"
#en msgstr ""
#es msgstr ""

msgid "libro-fluff-idioma"
#en msgstr "Portuguese"
#es msgstr "Portugués"

msgid "libro-fluff-fecha"
#en msgstr ""
#es msgstr ""

#  Book: The red ball

msgid "libro-redball-numero"
#en msgstr "9"
#es msgstr "9"
#pt msgstr "9"
#fr msgstr "9"

msgid "libro-redball-titulo"
#en msgstr "The red ball"
#es msgstr "La pelota roja"

msgid "libro-redball-autor1"
#en msgstr "Authors - Farideh Khalatbaree"
#es msgstr "Autor - Farideh Khalatbaree"

msgid "libro-redball-autor2"
#en msgstr "Illustrators - Ali Mafakheri"
#es msgstr "Ilustrador - Ali Mafakheri"

msgid "libro-redball-comentario1"
#en msgstr "The red ball was left in a cupboard for a long time, because his owner had grown up and did not like to play with him any longer. So the ball decided to leave the cupboard and try to find a new friend..."
#es msgstr "La pelota roja fue abandonada en una alacena por mucho tiempo, porque su dueño había crecido y ya no le gustaba jugar con ella. Entonces la pelota decidió salir de la alacena e intentar encontrar un nuevo amigo..."

msgid "libro-redball-comentario2"
#en msgstr "Awards - BolognaRagazzi Award -- New Horizons (awarded to the series)"
#es msgstr "Premios - Premio BolognaRagazzi -- New Horizons (premio a la serie)"

msgid "libro-redball-idioma"
#en msgstr "Persian / Farsi"
#es msgstr "Persa / Farsi"

msgid "libro-redball-fecha"
#en msgstr "1383 (Iranian Calendar)"
#es msgstr "1383 (Calendario Iraní)