XO Korea/Table of Contents/Introduction

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Korea, a test bed of the world.

Korea map2.png

Both South and North Korea are in a peculiar status in the world both from economic and social aspects. Both were among the poorest nations just 40~50 years ago, but the former is on the way of being a developed nation, and the latter is under extremely mysterious status.

South Korea has features of both developed and developing nations. It shows world best democracy, IT infrastructure, completely free journalism, and decentralized powers etc. as well as OECD level economic features. However, it also has a bureaucratic judicature and public prosecutions, children without a meal, abandoned old persons, and not so fully grown citizenship etc., all of which are features of underdeveloped nations.

Because Korea has sufficient economical assets and well educated citizens for OLPC deployment, we, 'XO Korea, think it a best place to test XOs, activities (applications), hardware variations, and software variations etc. before deployments by developing nations, and hope our full-range test result be a reference book to the developing nations where OLPC will launch and those where OLPC will not launch in a near future (e.g. North Korea). We confirm that the reference book Korea will provide can't be obtained from another nation or from another way.

XO Korea will apply the philosophy and technologies of OLPC to every social sector of South Korea not only educational ones but governmental and business sections also. The table below includes those social sections where XO or its variations will be deployed with not only XO applications but other software and architectures (frameworks) also such as YAWL, Open Enterprise Architecture, and those from Linux communities.

All our efforts for XO deployments in Korea will be recorded in detail on this wiki. Please keep interests on us.
