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...shipping out around the 28th or 29th...


  • fai on xs-test (apache, munin-node)
  • make livecd-creator work with fc6
  • set up local repository there too
  • fai
    • configure remote logging
    • randomized cron for updates
    • config repository in git

open questions/remarks

  • how to define classes for a host? map mac-addresses to machines to classes? -> file in /etc
  • livecd-creator has the following in its config file: rm -rf /usr/share/doc/* - thats not soo good ;)
  • The liveinst bits are included in anaconda since anaconda- So liveinst packagae is not needed anymore.

services on the servers

  • dyndns at least for now
partitioning proposal
20gb for /
5gb for /tmp, maybe 10
5gb for /var/log, maybe 10
10gb for /var
260 for /home (or 250) or diving this into /home and /$path/backup
sudo livecd-creator   --config=/usr/share/livecd-tools/livecd-fedora-6-desktop.ks   --fslabel=Fedora-6-Test1-LiveCD  --repo=c6, --repo=e6, --repo=u6,

some links

 * Centre-SIS,
 * Focus-SIS fork,
  • ldap-admin tools considered for debian-edu etch
 * lwat,
 * cipux,
 * wlus & webmin was used in sarge


It's accessable at http://xs-dev/mirror/ and updated with rsync with the two scripts in ~holger/mirror-fedora-linux-core and ~holger/mirror-fedora-linux-extras, config in ~holger/mirror-fedora-linux.conf