XO Korea/gc/type 1

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Type I: Organizations where the Central Government owns the majority of shares

Name Employees Page Link
Kangnung National University Dental Hospital Go to
Kangwon National University Dental Hospital Go to
Kyeongbuk National University Hospital Go to
Gyeongsang National University Hospital Go to
National Research Council for Economics, Humanities and Social Sciences Go to
Korea Research Council of Public Science and Technology Go to
Korea University of Science and Technology Go to
Korea Scientists & Engineers Mutual-aid Association Go to
Science & Technology Policy Institute Go to
Gwangju Institute of Science & Technology Go to
Korea Automobile Testing & Research institute Go to
Korea Institute of Nuclear Nonproliferation and Control Go to
Korea National Park Service Go to
National Cancer Center Go to
Korea Research Institute for Human Settlements Go to
Korea Labor Welfare Corporation Go to
Kibo Technology Fund Go to
Korea Research Institute for Fundamental Science & Technology Go to
Daegu Gyeongbuk Institute of Science & Technology Go to
Daedeok Innopolis Go to
Korea Institute for International Economy Policy Go to
Road Traffic Safety Authority Go to
Busan National University Hospital Go to
Korea Testing Laboratory Go to
Korea Research Council for Industry Science & Technology Go to
Korea Institute for Industrial Economics & Trade Go to
Workers Accident Medical Corporation Go to
Seoul National University Hospital Go to
Seoul National University Dental Hospital Go to
Korea Reclamation Corp Go to
Korea Software Financial Cooperative Go to
Korea Credit Guarantee Fund Go to
Korea Energy Economics Institute Go to
Korea Energy Management Corp. Go to
Korea Institute of Ceramic Engineering & Technology Go to
Overseas Koreans Foundation Go to
Korea Federation of Credit Guarantee Foundations Go to
Jeonnam National University Hospital Go to
Jeonbuk National University Hospital Go to
Institute for Information Technology Advancement Go to
Korea Information Society Development Institute Go to
Jeju Free International City Development Center Go to
Jeju National University Hospital Go to
Small Business Corporation Go to
Chungnam National University Hospital Go to
Chungbuk National University Hospital Go to
Korea Institute for National Unification Go to
Korea Education & Research Information Science Go to
Korea International Cooperation Agency Go to
Korea Development Institute Go to
Korea Institute of Construction Technology Go to
Korea Institute Science & Technology Go to
Korea Advanced Institute Science & Technology Go to
Korea Institute of Science & Technology Information Go to
Korea Science & Engineering Foundation Go to
Korea Educational Development Institute Go to
Korea Institute of Curriculum & Evaluation Go to
Korea Transport Institute Go to
Korea Institute for Defense Analyses Go to
Korea Institute of Machinery & Materials Go to
Korea Basic Science Institute Go to
Korea Labor Education Institute Go to
KERI Go to
Korea Legislation Research Institute Go to
Korea Institute for Health & Social Affairs Go to
Korea Health Industry Development Institute Go to
Korea Institute of Industrial Technology Evaluation and Planning Go to
Korea Occupational Safety & Health Agency Go to
Human Resource Development Service of Korea Go to
Korea Research Institute of Bioscience & Biotechnology Go to
Korea Institute of Industrial Technology Go to
Consumer Protection B Go to
Korea IT Industry Promotion Agency Go to
Korea Export Insurance Corporation Go to
Korea Infrastructure Safety & Technology Corp Go to
Korea Food Research Institute Go to
Korea Institute of Energy Research Go to
Korean Women's Development Institute Go to
Korea Nuclear Energy Foundation Go to
Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety Go to
Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute Go to
Korea Eletrotechnology Research Institute Go to
National Information Society Agency Go to
Electronic and Telecommunication Research Institute Go to
Korea Specially Chemical Industry Association Go to
Korea Agency Digital Opportunity&Promotion Go to
Korea Information Security Agency Go to
Korea Institute of Public Finance Go to
Korea Housing Finance Corp Go to
Korea Institute of Geoscience & Mineral Resources Go to
Korea Research Institute of Vocational Education and Training Go to
Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute Go to
Korea Railroad Research Institute Go to
Korea Rail Network Authority Go to
Korea Institute for Youth Development Go to
Korea Container Terminal Authority Go to
Korea Research Institute of Standard and Science Go to
Korea Research Foundation Go to
The Academy of Korean Studies Go to
Korea Institute of Oriental Medicine Go to
Korea Aerospace Research Institute Go to
KMI Go to
Korea Ocean Research and Development Institute Go to
Korea Institute of Public Administration Go to
The Korean Institute of Criminal Justice Policy Go to
Korea Research Institute of Chemical Technology Go to
Korea Environment Institute Go to
Environmental Management Corp Go to
Korea Employment Information Service Go to