OLPC Pakistan

Revision as of 00:38, 14 May 2007 by Xavi (talk | contribs) (status green)
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2007 status: green

How can we get a Project started in Pakistan for remote villages where even the government employees (teachers) do not like to work? Can I help to get some project stated on private basis and not going through the government?

Yahya Malik Kent, WA yahyamalik19@hotmail.com

Pakistan has received 100 B-2 machines and is working on getting them deployed as a pilot project. While it may not be fair to generalize that teachers do not like to work as there certainly are several dedicated teachers both in rural as well as urban areas but working with less than perfect conditions is an accepted challenge for all ICT projects. Hence, part of the project is to identify champions and generate support at the appropriate levels before and during deployment.

Tariq Badsha, Member (IT) Minisry of IT, Government of Pakistan, tbadsha@moitt.gov.pk