Server Caching

Revision as of 06:43, 29 May 2007 by Danjared (talk | contribs)
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This page discusses a number of issues surrounding caching of (HTTP) data locally on school servers.

Immediate questions

Software to use for caching. The current possibilities are

Questions about School server caching

Short Term Questions about Use cases

Caching use case

Caching materials after viewing

  • One laptop caches locally, both in memory and on disk (in case of failure?)
  • A set of laptops sharing a cache that's too large for any individually
  • A server caching and aggregating caches from individual machines -- can it uptake cached materials if a connecting laptop has something in its cache that's not on the server?

Queuing requests

  • A laptop requests something from a local cache;
  • A cluster of laptops listens to requests from individual laptops in the cluster;
  • A server listens to requests from connected laptops (directly, or passed on from others not currently on the mesh)

Caching requests without viewing

  • A laptop passes on a request, a server picks it up while the laptop is off-mesh and caches the result
    Some sort of notification or syndication of the incoming material