MMM lesson plan translations

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Status Done::not yet started
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Task Name

MaMaMedia is in the process of creating some Activites for the XO. They're looking for people to translate their lesson plans into Spanish (and other languages as well, but Spanish is most urgent since they'd like to send the lesson plans to the pilot program in Peru).

To Do

The following pages require translation:

Slider Puzzle: Lesson Plans Overview

Slider Puzzle: Lesson 1

Slider Puzzle: Lesson 2

Slider Puzzle: Lesson 3

Slider Puzzle: Lesson 4

Slider Puzzle: Lesson 5

Slider Puzzle: Lesson 6

Slider Puzzle: Lesson 7

Poll Builder: Lesson Plans Overview

Poll Builder: Lesson 1

Poll Builder: Lesson 2

Poll Builder: Lesson 3

Poll Builder: Lesson 4

Exploring XO: Tab 1

Exploring XO: Tab 2

Exploring XO: Tab 3

Exploring XO: Tab 4

Exploring XO: Tab 5