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Born and raised in Southern California, now a sophomore at Olin College of Engineering. Interested in many things, experienced in not quite as many, but generally sporting the Olin "can do, and if I can't I'll learn how" attitude.
Currently a pre-intern (user:nlee/SoCon application) helping my soon-to-be-mentor Mel design the OLPC Summer of Content graphics. Future projects include filling out the artists' community and helping develop the volunteer frontpage.
OLPC projects
- Maintenance of community:Art
- Organizing OLPC communities
- Creation and organization of a volunteer frontpage
- Organization of some sort of volunteer welcoming protocol
- Learning more programming (current repertoire: fighting with Matlab)
Contact Info
User talk page, or email.
I will work on getting stock photos up and available on my flickr account (if there are any images you want/need, drop me a line and I'll see what I can do!).