Educational Games

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  • Interns - If you are interested in this project, add your name to the Interested interns section below along with a brief description of why you're interested and why you'd be a good mentor for this project, along with any specific ideas for execution you might have beyond the project description.
  • Mentors - If you are interested in this project, add your name to the Interested mentors section below along with a brief description of why you're interested and why you'd be a good mentor for this project, along with any specific ideas for execution you might have beyond the project description.
  • Others - If you are interested in this project in a role other than that of potential mentor or potential intern (example: you are an organization, a potential end-user/tester, may have helpful resources, or want to be notified if the project is chosen), add your name to the Other interested parties section below with contact information and details.
  • Everyone - Contribute to the project description on this page, or discuss this project on the associated talk page (click the "discussion" tab on top).

The deadline for editing this proposal or adding yourself to the list is 11:59pm EST (GMT-5) on August 6, 2007.

Project description

Games can serve as interactive, fun based tools for learning. Games provide a forum in which learning arises as a result of tasks stimulated by the content of the games, knowledge is developed through the content included in the game, and skills are developed as a result of playing the game. Games can be simple or complex. I feel that most of the knowledge-based learning takes place through simple rather than complex games because then the child is able to focus more on the learning part in the game rather than on the playing part of it. Big Math Attack is one example of a very simple Educational game. (A trial version of the game can be downloaded from [1]). It tests spelling, math, typing and metric skills of the player in a fun arcade environment. There are 10 skill levels available in each category. The objective of the game is to prevent a city from falling meteorites. The meteorites are disguised as math problems/word with a missing alphabet (to test spelling). The frequency of the fall of meteorites as the game proceeds. The only way to prevent a meteorite hit the city is to give the correct answer to the falling problem. The game thus teaches a certain subject to student by creating interest, motivation and concentration in the student.

The user can also edit the database of each category. For instance, the database of ‘Spelling’ contains over 1000 words. The user can change these words in the database or can create his/her own spelling lists. Such a system will also prove very useful for parents and teachers for testing the students on various sets of questions. The game displays the result with the number of current and wrong answers and also the percentage obtained. The correct answers are also shown side by side.

Such a game can be used to teach the students a certain subject, expand concepts and assist in learning a particular topic as they play in a fun, engaging and highly interactive medium. languages


1. Games provide motivation for learning

2. Combine Education and Entertainment

3. Increase concentration

4. Enable easy learning and grasping of concepts

5. Ensure fun-based learning

Interested Interns

Email: anupgupta.nsit (at) gmail (dot) com

I am Anup Gupta, a pre final year computer engineering student at Netaji Subhas Institute of Technology, India. Some of my projects include HELP( a real time device for health education), Windows and Web Audio Player cum Recorder and a Test Software. I am also the founder and administrator of a students' educational website[2]

Technical Skills: Programming Skills: C,C++,Data Structures,PHP,VB.NET,C#,MATLAB Web Development Technologies HTML,DHTML,CSS,ASP.NET Design and Graphics experience on Adobe Photoshop, MS Publisher Knowledge and Experience of Ethical Hacking and Network Security Also familiar with Assembly language for 8086 microcontrollers.

Development Stage

The game can be developed using C, C Graphics and by including library OpenGL. The basic task in the game is to introduce an interrupt as soon an input from the keyboard is given. The keyboard input is compared with the correct answer and if the answer is correct, the number of correct answers is incremented while in case the input doesn’t match, the correct answer is displayed and the counter of wrong answers is incremented.

The Project Proposals file can be accessed from File:ProjectIdeas.pdf