Talk:Ask OLPC a Question about Distribution

Revision as of 20:55, 2 January 2007 by (talk)
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"This is not a conventional aid project where smart rich outsiders go and do their bit for the poor downtrodden natives and then run back home to mama."

I certainly can understand and appreciate the wisdom of allowing local teachers, technicians and the children themselves to take ownership of the project and make it their own. However, I must say the sentence above comes across as a needlessly cynical take on the motives of many technical volunteers from developed countries who may simply wish to do whatever they can to help make OLPC a reality. After all, isn't the Project itself already an initiative of "smart rich outsiders" who wish to "do their bit" for humanity?

I hope there will be a place in the future for volunteers who sincerely wish to help in whatever way is most appropriate, as OLPC is certainly a great and worthy initiative.