User:Xavi/Spanish Playground/

< User:Xavi‎ | Spanish Playground
Revision as of 16:33, 14 September 2007 by Xavi (talk | contribs) (local temporal es.po)
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msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: eToys\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-08-16 10:53-0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2007-08-16 10:53-0000\n"
"Last-Translator: \n"
"Language-Team: \n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"

#: SampledSound>>universalSoundKeys
msgid "scritch"
msgstr ""

#: EnvelopeEditorMorph>>addCustomMenuItems:hand:
msgid "turn reverb off"
msgstr "quitar reverberación"

#: PianoRollScoreMorph>>addCustomMenuItems:hand:
msgid "add movie clip player"
msgstr "agregar reproductor de películas"

#: RecordingControlsMorph>>formerDescriptionForPartsBin
#: RecordingControlsMorph>>registerInFlapsRegistry
#: RecordingControls>>descriptionForPartsBin
#: RecordingControls>>registerInFlapsRegistry
msgid "A device for making sound recordings."
msgstr "Un dispositivo para grabar sonidos."

#: RecordingControls>>makeStatusLight
msgid "When red, it means you are currently recording"
msgstr ""

#: KeyboardMorphForInput>>addRecordingControls
msgid "dotted"
msgstr "con puntos"

#: RecordingControls>>helpString
msgid ""
"Press \"Record\" to start recording.  Press Stop when finished recording.\n"
"After making a recording, you can:\n"
"   Press \"Play\" to play back the recording.\n"
"   Press \"Record\" to start a new recording\n"
"      (the old one would be discarded).\n"
"   Press \"Save\" to save the recording in the sound library.\n"
"Press the menu icon to get a menu with further options.\n"
"If you wish to refer to the sound in scripts, you need to add it to the "
"sound library; press Save to do that; you will need to supply a name for "
"If you want to retain the sound but do not need to refer to it in scripts, "
"you need not name it; instead, use \"hand me a sound token\", found in the "
"menu, to obtain a little \"sound token\" object that you can subsequently "
"use in a variety of ways:\n"
"  You can double-click on the sound token to hear the sound again.\n"
"  You can decide to save the sound after all, by using an item in the sound "
"token's halo menu.\n"
"  You can drop the sound token into a PianoRoll or an EventRoll.\n"
msgstr ""

#: RecordingControls>>durationString
msgid " second(s)"
msgstr ""

#: WaveEditor>>chooseLoopStart
msgid "Finding possible loop points..."
msgstr "Buscando los posibles puntos de bucles..."

#: RecordingControlsMorph>>addButtonRows SpectrumAnalyzerMorph>>addButtonRow
#: RecordingControls>>addButtonRows
msgid "Stop"
msgstr "Parar"

#: WaveEditor>>addControls RecordingControls>>addButtonRows
msgid "Save"
msgstr "Grabar"

#: WaveEditor>>addControls
msgid "Play After"
msgstr "Rep. después"

#: ScorePlayerMorph>>standaloneResumeButton
msgid "Continue"
msgstr "Continuar"

#: MidiInputMorph>>invokeMenu
msgid "add channel"
msgstr "añadir canal"

#: ScorePlayerMorph>>makeControls
msgid "Repeat"
msgstr "Repetir"

#: SampledSound>>universalSoundKeys
msgid "peaks"
msgstr "picos"

#: RecordingControlsMorph>>registerInFlapsRegistry
msgid "Sound"
msgstr "Sonido"

#: WaveEditor>>addLoopPointControls
msgid "Loop cycles: "
msgstr "Frecuencia del bucle: "

#: PianoKeyboardMorph>>additionsToViewerCategories
msgid "my frequency"
msgstr ""

#: SpectrumAnalyzerMorph>>setSamplingRate
msgid "Sampling rate (currently {1})"
msgstr "Frecuencia de muestreo (actual {1})"

#: SpectrumAnalyzerMorph>>setDisplayType
msgid "signal"
msgstr "señal"

#: MidiInputMorph>>invokeMenu ScorePlayerMorph>>invokeMenu
msgid "reload instruments"
msgstr "volver a cargar los instrumentos"

#: MIDIControllerMorph>>addCustomMenuItems:hand:
msgid "set controller"
msgstr "establecer controladores"

#: SampledSound>>universalSoundKeys
msgid "scrape"
msgstr "rasguño"

#: PianoKeyboardMorph>>additionsToViewerCategories
msgid "getFrequency"
msgstr ""

#: SpectrumAnalyzerMorph>>makeStatusLight
#: SpectrumAnalyzerMorph>>makeStatusLightIn:
msgid "On"
msgstr "Encendido"

#: EnvelopeEditorMorph>>addCustomMenuItems:hand:
msgid "save library on disk..."
msgstr "guardar biblioteca en disco..."

#: PianoRollScoreMorph>>invokeScoreMenu:
msgid "show measure lines"
msgstr ""

#: ScorePlayerMorph>>makeControls
msgid "Reverb Disable"
msgstr "Anular rever."

#: RecordingControls>>addRecordLevelSliderIn:
msgid "Drag to set the record level"
msgstr ""

#: WaveEditor>>invokeMenu
msgid "show envelope"
msgstr "mostrar envolvente"

#: SampledSound>>universalSoundKeys
msgid "coyote"
msgstr "coyote"

#: WaveEditor>>invokeMenu
msgid "trim before cursor"
msgstr "recortar antes del cursor"

#: WaveEditor>>descriptionForPartsBin
msgid "WaveEditor"
msgstr "Editor de ondas"

#: PianoKeyboardMorph>>additionsToViewerCategories
msgid "whether it allows multiple selections"
msgstr ""

#: RecordingControls>>additionsToViewerCategories
msgid "recordButtonHit"
msgstr ""

#: RecordingControls>>additionsToViewerCategories
msgid "stop recording or playback"
msgstr ""

#: WaveEditor>>saveInstrument
msgid "Instrument name?"
msgstr "¿Nombre del instrumento?"

#: WaveEditor>>addControls
msgid "Test"
msgstr "Prueba"

#: WaveEditor>>invokeMenu
msgid "play loop"
msgstr "reproducir bucle"

#: ScorePlayerMorph>>invokeMenu
msgid "open a MIDI file"
msgstr "abrir un archivo MIDI"

#: WaveEditor>>addControls
msgid "Value: "
msgstr "Valor: "

#: EnvelopeEditorMorph>>addCustomMenuItems:hand:
msgid "put sound in lib"
msgstr "pone sonido en la librería"

#: ScorePlayerMorph>>invokeMenu
msgid "save as WAV file"
msgstr "grabar como un archivo WAV"

#: KeyboardMorphForInput>>addRecordingControls
msgid "sixteenth"
msgstr "semicorchea"

#: PianoRollScoreMorph>>addCustomMenuItems:hand:
msgid "open drag and drop"
msgstr "abrir \"arrastrar y arrojar\""

#: SampledSound>>universalSoundKeys
msgid "click"
msgstr ""

#: EnvelopeEditorMorph>>addCustomMenuItems:hand:
msgid "read sound from disk..."
msgstr "leer sonido desde un disco..."

#: RecordingControls>>additionsToViewerCategories
msgid "go to previous page"
msgstr "Ir a la página anterior"

#: PianoRollScoreMorph>>invokeScoreMenu:
msgid "hide beat lines"
msgstr "ocultar líneas por tiempo"

#: WaveEditor>>invokeMenu
msgid "play after cursor"
msgstr "reproducir después del cursor"

#: SpectrumAnalyzerMorph>>setDisplayType
msgid "sonogram"
msgstr "sonograma"

#: SoundEventMorph>>sound:
msgid " seconds"
msgstr ""

#: RecordingControls>>durationString
msgid "Recorded sound duration: "
msgstr ""

#: SampledSound>>universalSoundKeys
msgid "chomp"
msgstr ""

#: SpeakerMorph>>additionsToViewerCategories
msgid "getConePosition"
msgstr ""

#: RecordingControls>>addMenuButtonItemsTo:
msgid "Sound Recorder Options"
msgstr ""

#: SoundRecorder>>verifyExistenceOfRecordedSound
msgid "please record a sound first"
msgstr ""

#: RecordingControls>>additionsToViewerCategories
msgid "start recording"
msgstr ""

#: ScorePlayerMorph>>rateControl
msgid " fast"
msgstr " rápido"

#: RecordingControlsMorph>>makeTile
msgid "Please name your new sound"
msgstr ""

#: RecordingControlsMorph>>addButtonRows WaveEditor>>addControls
#: ScorePlayerMorph>>makeControls RecordingControls>>addButtonRows
msgid "Play"
msgstr "Reproducir"

#: ScorePlayerMorph>>invokeMenu
msgid "save as AIFF file"
msgstr "grabar como un archivo AIFF"

#: SampledSound>>universalSoundKeys
msgid "horn"
msgstr ""

#: SimpleMIDIPort>>outputPortNumFromUser
msgid "MIDI port for output:"
msgstr "puerto MIDI para salida:"

#: PianoRollScoreMorph>>invokeScoreMenu:
msgid "sig     "
msgstr "sig     "

#: WaveEditor>>showFFTAtCursor
msgid "Too few samples after the cursor to take an FFT."
msgstr "Muy pocas muestras después del cursor como para establecer una FFT."

#: WaveEditor>>invokeMenu
msgid "play straight through"
msgstr "reproducir directamente "

#: ScorePlayerMorph>>volumeControl
msgid "soft  "
msgstr "suave  "

#: WaveEditor>>invokeMenu
msgid "play before cursor"
msgstr "reproducir antes del cursor"

#: WaveEditor>>addLoopPointControls
msgid "Loop end: "
msgstr "Fin del bucle: "

#: ScorePlayerMorph>>openMIDIFile
msgid "No .mid/.midi files found in the Squeak directory"
msgstr "No se encontraron archivos .mid/.midi en el directorio de Squeak "

#: SpectrumAnalyzerMorph>>descriptionForPartsBin
msgid "Spectrum Analyzer"
msgstr ""

#: PianoRollScoreMorph>>invokeScoreMenu:
msgid "show beat lines"
msgstr "mostrar lineas por tiempo"

#: WaveEditor>>addControls
msgid "Play Loop"
msgstr "Rep. bucle"

#: RecordingControls>>setButtonEnablement
msgid "Discard the current recording and start making a fresh recording"
msgstr ""

#: PianoRollScoreMorph>>invokeScoreMenu:
msgid "paste"
msgstr "pegar"

#: PianoRollScoreMorph>>invokeScoreMenu:
#: KeyboardMorphForInput>>addRecordingControls
msgid "staccato"
msgstr "staccato"

#: RecordingControls>>trim
msgid " second(s) trimmed"
msgstr ""

#: WaveEditor>>invokeMenu
msgid "trim after cursor"
msgstr "recortar después del cursor"

#: SampledSound>>universalSoundKeys
msgid "clink"
msgstr "tintineo"

#: RecordingControls>>durationString
msgid "no sound recorded yet"
msgstr ""

#: KeyboardMorphForInput>>addRecordingControls
msgid "quints"
msgstr "quintillo"

#: KeyboardMorphForInput>>addRecordingControls
msgid "chord"
msgstr "acorde"

#: PianoKeyboardMorph>>descriptionForPartsBin
msgid "A piano keyboard"
msgstr "Un teclado de piano"

#: EnvelopeEditorMorph>>addCustomMenuItems:hand:
msgid "get sound from lib"
msgstr "obtener sonido desde biblioteca"

#: PianoKeyboardMorph>>chordFlagString
msgid "sticky on"
msgstr ""

#: ScorePlayerMorph>>saveAsWAV ScorePlayerMorph>>saveAsAIFF
#: ScorePlayerMorph>>saveAsSunAudio
msgid "New file name?"
msgstr "¿Nuevo nombre de archivo?"

#: PianoKeyboardMorph>>additionsToViewerCategories
msgid "getAllowingChord"
msgstr ""

#: SpectrumAnalyzerMorph>>descriptionForPartsBin
msgid "A device for analyzing sound input"
msgstr ""

#: WaveEditor>>addControls
msgid "Play Before"
msgstr "Rep. antes"

#: SoundEventMorph>>sound:
msgid "a sound of duration "
msgstr ""

#: ScorePlayerMorph>>standaloneResumeButton
msgid "Continue playing a paused presentation"
msgstr "Continuar reproduciendo una presentación pausada"

#: RecordingControls>>additionsToViewerCategories
msgid "stopButtonHit"
msgstr ""

#: ScorePlayerMorph>>openMIDIFile
msgid "Choose a MIDI file to open"
msgstr "Seleccionar un archivo MIDI para abrir"

#: SampledSound>>universalSoundKeys
msgid "chirp"
msgstr "gorjeo"

#: RecordingControls>>makeSoundMorph
msgid "unnamed sound"
msgstr ""

#: RecordingControlsMorph>>addButtonRows
msgid "Tile"
msgstr "Mosaico"

#: SpectrumAnalyzerMorph>>addButtonRow
msgid "Start"
msgstr "Comenzar"

#: ScorePlayerMorph>>makeAPauseEvent:
msgid "[pause]"
msgstr "[pausar]"

#: SpectrumAnalyzerMorph>>invokeMenu
msgid "set FFT size"
msgstr "establecer tamaño de FFT"

#: RecordingControls>>saveButtonHit
msgid "Sound name?"
msgstr ""

#: RecordingControls>>addRecordLevelSliderIn:
msgid "maximum record-level"
msgstr ""

#: MidiInputMorph>>invokeMenu
msgid "close MIDI port"
msgstr "cerrar puerto MIDI"

#: SampledSound>>universalSoundKeys
msgid "silence"
msgstr "silencio"

#: PianoKeyboardMorph>>descriptionForPartsBin
msgid "PianoKeyboard"
msgstr "Teclado de piano"

#: SpectrumAnalyzerMorph>>invokeMenu
msgid "set sampling rate"
msgstr "establecer frecuencia de muestreo"

#: SampledSound>>universalSoundKeys
msgid "warble"
msgstr "trino"

#: ScorePlayerMorph>>invokeMenu
#: MIDIPianoKeyboardMorph>>addCustomMenuItems:hand:
msgid "play via built in synth"
msgstr "reproducir en sintetizador interno"

#: EnvelopeEditorMorph>>addCustomMenuItems:hand:
msgid "save sound on disk..."
msgstr "guarda sonido en el disco..."

#: SoundEventMorph>>addCustomMenuItems:hand:
msgid "play sound"
msgstr ""

#: RecordingControls>>addRecordLevelSliderIn:
msgid "minimum record-level"
msgstr ""

#: WaveEditor>>invokeMenu
msgid "show FFT"
msgstr "mostrar FFT"

#: ScorePlayerMorph>>panAndVolControlsFor:
msgid "L"
msgstr "L"

#: SampledSound>>universalSoundKeys
msgid "laugh"
msgstr ""

#: PianoRollScoreMorph>>invokeScoreMenu:
msgid "hide measure lines"
msgstr "ocultar líneas por compás"

#: ScorePlayerMorph>>invokeMenu
msgid "make a pause marker"
msgstr "crear un marcador para pausa"

#: RecordingControlsMorph>>formerDescriptionForPartsBin
#: RecordingControls>>descriptionForPartsBin
msgid "SoundRecorder"
msgstr "Grabador de Sonido"

#: MidiInputMorph>>invokeMenu
msgid "set MIDI port"
msgstr "poner puerto MIDI"

#: PianoRollScoreMorph>>addCustomMenuItems:hand:
#: PianoRollScoreMorph>>invokeScoreMenu:
msgid "expand time"
msgstr "expandir el tiempo"

#: PianoRollScoreMorph>>invokeScoreMenu:
msgid "time   "
msgstr "tiempo "

#: RecordingControlsMorph>>addButtonRows
msgid "Trim"
msgstr "Recortar"

#: KeyboardMorphForInput>>addRecordingControls
msgid "          rest          "
msgstr ""

#: EnvelopeEditorMorph>>addCustomMenuItems:hand:
msgid "adjust scale..."
msgstr "ajustar escala..."

#: RecordingControlsMorph>>formerDescriptionForPartsBin
#: WaveEditor>>descriptionForPartsBin ScorePlayerMorph>>descriptionForPartsBin
#: SpectrumAnalyzerMorph>>descriptionForPartsBin
#: RecordingControls>>descriptionForPartsBin
#: PianoKeyboardMorph>>descriptionForPartsBin
msgid "Multimedia"
msgstr "Multimedia"

#: ScorePlayerMorph>>makeControls
msgid "Pause"
msgstr "Pausar"

#: WaveEditor>>invokeMenu
msgid "make unlooped"
msgstr "sin bucle"

#: MIDIControllerMorph>>addCustomMenuItems:hand:
msgid "set channel"
msgstr "establecer canal"

#: ScorePlayerMorph>>invokeMenu
#: MIDIPianoKeyboardMorph>>addCustomMenuItems:hand:
msgid "new MIDI controller"
msgstr "nuevo controlador MIDI"

#: KeyboardMorphForInput>>addRecordingControls
msgid "half"
msgstr "blanca"

#: RecordingControls>>trim
msgid "unable to trim any more, sorry"
msgstr ""

#: KeyboardMorphForInput>>addRecordingControls
msgid "whole"
msgstr "redonda"

#: SampledSound>>universalSoundKeys
msgid "meow"
msgstr ""

#: AnonymousSoundMorph>>soundMorphHelpString
msgid "Holds a recorded sound of duration "
msgstr ""

#: RecordingControlsMorph>>addButtonRows
msgid "Show"
msgstr "Mostrar"

#: RecordingControlsMorph>>addButtonRows RecordingControls>>addButtonRows
msgid "Record"
msgstr "Grabar"

#: KeyboardMorphForInput>>addRecordingControls
msgid "quarter"
msgstr "negra"

#: PianoRollScoreMorph>>invokeScoreMenu:
msgid "add keyboard"
msgstr "agregar teclado"

#: SampledSound>>universalSoundKeys
msgid "camera"
msgstr "cámara"

#: RecordingControls>>chooseCodec
msgid "Compression method"
msgstr ""

#: ScorePlayerMorph>>rateControl
msgid "slow "
msgstr "lento "

#: ScorePlayerMorph>>trackNumAndMuteButtonFor:
msgid "Mute"
msgstr "Silenciado"

#: RecordingControls>>registerInFlapsRegistry
msgid "Sound Recorder"
msgstr ""

#: ScorePlayerMorph>>invokeMenu
#: MIDIPianoKeyboardMorph>>addCustomMenuItems:hand:
msgid "play via MIDI"
msgstr "reproducir por MIDI"

#: KeyboardMorphForInput>>addRecordingControls
msgid "triplets"
msgstr "tresillo"

#: WaveEditor>>addControls
msgid "One Cycle"
msgstr "Un ciclo"

#: SpectrumAnalyzerMorph>>addButtonRow
msgid "Menu"
msgstr "Menú"

#: CodecDemoMorph>>addCustomMenuItems:hand:
msgid "select codec"
msgstr "elegir codec"

#: KeyboardMorphForInput>>addRecordingControls
msgid "del"
msgstr "borrar"

#: WaveEditor>>addLoopPointControls
msgid "Loop length: "
msgstr "Longitud del bucle: "

#: ScorePlayerMorph>>panAndVolControlsFor:
msgid "R"
msgstr "R"

#: SampledSound>>universalSoundKeys
msgid "splash"
msgstr "sambullida"

#: WaveEditor>>addControls
msgid "Index: "
msgstr "Indice: "

#: WaveEditor>>setLoopStart
msgid ""
"Please set the loop end and the approximate frequency\n"
"first, then position the cursor one or more cycles\n"
"before the loop end and try this again."
msgstr ""

#: ScorePlayerMorph>>makeControls
msgid "Rewind"
msgstr "Rebobinar"

#: RecordingControlsMorph>>addButtonRows
msgid "Morph"
msgstr "Morf"

#: EnvelopeEditorMorph>>addCustomMenuItems:hand:
msgid "choose denominator..."
msgstr "escojer denominador..."

#: WaveEditor>>addControls
msgid "Set Loop End"
msgstr "Fin del bucle"

#: ScorePlayerMorph>>scrollControl
msgid " end"
msgstr " final   "

#: WaveEditor>>invokeMenu
msgid "jump to loop end"
msgstr "saltar al fin del bucle"

#: RecordingControlsMorph>>makeTile
msgid "sound"
msgstr ""

#: WaveEditor>>invokeMenu
msgid "make unpitched"
msgstr "sin altura"

#: WaveEditor>>addLoopPointControls
msgid "Frequency: "
msgstr "Frecuencia: "

#: SpectrumAnalyzerMorph>>setDisplayType
msgid "display type (currently {1})"
msgstr "tipo de pantalla (actualmente {1})"

#: SpectrumAnalyzerMorph>>invokeMenu
msgid "set display type"
msgstr "establecer tipo de pantalla"

#: ScorePlayerMorph>>descriptionForPartsBin
msgid "ScorePlayer"
msgstr "Reproductor de Partitura"

#: ScorePlayerMorph>>invokeMenu
msgid "save as Sun AU file"
msgstr "grabar como un archivo Sun AU"

#: ScorePlayerMorph>>scrollControl
msgid "start "
msgstr "comienzo "

#: PianoRollScoreMorph>>invokeScoreMenu:
#: KeyboardMorphForInput>>addRecordingControls
msgid "legato"
msgstr "legato"

#: SpeakerMorph>>additionsToViewerCategories
msgid "the position of the speaker cone"
msgstr "La posición del cono del altavoz"

#: WaveEditor>>invokeMenu
msgid "choose loop start"
msgstr "elegir comienzo de bucle"

#: PianoRollScoreMorph>>addCustomMenuItems:hand:
#: PianoRollScoreMorph>>invokeScoreMenu:
msgid "contract time"
msgstr "contraer el tiempo"

#: PianoRollScoreMorph>>invokeScoreMenu:
msgid "paste..."
msgstr "pegar..."

#: RecordingControls>>saveButtonHit
msgid "unnamed"
msgstr ""

#: EnvelopeEditorMorph>>addCustomMenuItems:hand:
msgid "turn reverb on"
msgstr "activar reverberación"

#: PianoRollScoreMorph>>addCustomMenuItems:hand:
msgid "close drag and drop"
msgstr "cerrar el arrastrar y soltar"

#: SampledSound>>universalSoundKeys
msgid "motor"
msgstr "motor"

#: WaveEditor>>chooseLoopStart
msgid "{1} cycles; {2} secs"
msgstr "{1} ciclos; {2} segs"

#: WaveEditor>>descriptionForPartsBin
msgid "A workbench for seing and editing wave forms"
msgstr "Un banco de trabajo para ver y editar formas onduladas"

#: PianoRollScoreMorph>>invokeScoreMenu:
#: KeyboardMorphForInput>>addRecordingControls
msgid "normal"
msgstr "normal"

#: PianoRollScoreMorph>>invokeScoreMenu:
msgid "copy"
msgstr "copiar"

#: RecordingControls>>additionsToViewerCategories
msgid "playButtonHit"
msgstr ""

#: KeyboardMorphForInput>>addRecordingControls
msgid "eighth"
msgstr "corchea"

#: PianoKeyboardMorph>>chordFlagString
msgid "sticky off"
msgstr ""

#: WaveEditor>>invokeMenu
msgid "jump to loop start"
msgstr "saltar al comienzo del bucle"

#: SampledSound>>universalSoundKeys
msgid "croak"
msgstr "graznido"

#: RecordingControlsMorph>>addButtonRows
msgid "Codec"
msgstr ""

#: WaveEditor>>addControls
msgid "Set Loop Start"
msgstr "Comienzo del bucle"

#: WaveEditor>>invokeMenu
msgid "play test note"
msgstr "reproducir nota de prueba"

#: ScorePlayerMorph>>descriptionForPartsBin
msgid ""
" Mediates between a score such as a MIDIScore, a PianoRollScoreMorph, and "
"the actual SoundPlayer synthesizer"
msgstr ""
" Actúa como mediador entre un MIDIScore, un  PianoRollScoreMorph, y el "
"sintetizador actual del SoundPlayer"

#: ScorePlayerMorph>>makeControls
msgid "Piano Roll"
msgstr "Pianola"

#: AnonymousSoundMorph>>soundMorphHelpString
msgid ""
" seconds.\n"
"Double-click to hear the sound.  \"add to sound library\" available in halo "
"menu.  Also suitable for dropping into a piano-roll or into an event-roll"
msgstr ""

#: SpectrumAnalyzerMorph>>setDisplayType
msgid "spectrum"
msgstr "espectro"

#: SampledSound>>universalSoundKeys
msgid "scratch"
msgstr "raspado"

#: SpectrumAnalyzerMorph>>setFFTSize
msgid "FFT size (currently {1})"
msgstr "tamaño de FFT  (actual {1})"

#: RecordingControls>>trim
msgid ""
"Caution:  this is dangerous and destructive!\n"
"Do you really want to \"trim\" your recording?\n"
"(It might be smart to save the untrimmed\n"
"version in a sound token before trimming)"
msgstr ""

#: PianoRollScoreMorph>>invokeScoreMenu:
msgid "cut"
msgstr "cortar"

#: ScorePlayerMorph>>volumeControl
msgid " loud"
msgstr " fuerte"