Paint act

Revision as of 04:08, 19 September 2007 by Xavi (talk | contribs) (moving to OBXes)
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  Please copy/paste "{{Translationlist | xx | origlang=en | translated={{{translated}}}}}" (where xx is ISO 639 language code for your translation) to Paint act/translations HowTo [ID# 65576]  +/-  

TST {{{1}}}
Trac print.png Tickets all - active - new
Translate-icon-55px.svg fedora olpc-wiki - POT
| ar | es | fr 
Others el, de, ko_KO, pt_BR, zh_CN, zh_TW

see more templates or propose new

Drawing Activity
Status: Trial-2
Version: 7
Base: None
Source: Source Tickets Documentation.
l10n: here

Drawing Activity: A collaborative space for creation

It is being developed and adapted to the XO using Python for the team NATE-LSI (Integrated Systems Laboratory), in the Polytechnical School at University of São Paulo, Brazil.

Graphical Interface


Its interface already is translated into diverse languages: Portuguese, English, French, Spanish, German, Chinese, Korean, Arab and Greek.


The navigation through tabs facilitates the localization of the diverse available tools for category.

Below, there are each tab and the tools that contain.

Tab Activity

Tool Description Status
Share Não Implementado
Stop Implementado

Tab Edit

Tool Description Status
Undo Implementado
Redo Implementado
Copy Implementado
Paste Implementado

Tab Tools

Tool Description Status
Pencil Implementado
Brush Implementado
Eraser Implementado
Freeform Implementado
Bucket Implementado
Rectangular Marquee Implementado

Tab Shapes

Tool Description Status
Ellipse Implementado
Rectangle Implementado
Line Implementado
Polygon Em Implementação
Parallelogram Implementado
Arrow Implementado
Star Implementado
Trapezoid Implementado
Triangle Implementado
Heart Não Implementado

Tab Text

Tool Description Status
Type Implementado

Tab Image

Tool Description Status
Insert Image Implementado
Rotate Left Em Implementação
Rotate Right Em Implementação

Tab Effects

Tool Description Status
Grayscale Implementado
Negative Não Implementado


  • Through the simultaneous sending of messages, it allows that users draw in set despite in different computers.
  • It allows to integrate drawing and texts in one same physical space.


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Source Codes and Projects in Development