Curriculum Jam Manila/Schedule

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The schedule for the Jam is under construction - a tentative schedule is posted below, and will be updated as the Jam grows nearer.

This Might Be the Schedule if Mel Chua won't Come

Saturday, October 6

  • 8-9am - Attendees arrive, Registration for the Jam, Mingling, team-building
  • 9-9:30am- Breaktime
  • 9:30-10:30am - Introduction to OLPC Project, Invitation, Speech by OLPCPH
  • 10:30-12pm - Curriculum & Education in Philippines Discussion
  • 12-1pm - Lunch, 1-min stand-up presentations by teams on ideas, brainstorming
  • 1-2pm - Lesson Plan creation Guide
  • 2-3pm - Kickoff, Work begins
  • 3-3:30pm - Meryenda/Breaktime
  • 3:30-6:00pm - Work Continues, Attendee-run tutorials, discussions

Sunday, October 7

  • 8-9:30am - Compiling works, encoding
  • 9:30-10am - Breaktime
  • 10-12pm - Team begins submitting their works, uploading
  • 12-1pm - Lunch available
  • 1-3pm - Discussion on works, finishing works
  • 3-3:30pm - Breaktime
  • 3:30-4:00pm - Last call to submit the Curriculum and Lesson Plans made
  • 4:00-5:00pm - Questions & Answers, Feedback Session (attendees)
  • 5-6pm - Final ceremonies: Announcement of judging way
  • 6-7pm - Departure (and subsequent clean-up party), Closing

Monday October 8, 2007 (7days)

  • Online Judging - website to be announced
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Announcement of Winners

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