API reference
The OLPC platform includes a large number of libraries and services. This page attempts to gather links to reference works which can be used when programming the XO laptops. This reference is primarily intended for Software Developers. You may want to try out a few Tutorials before diving into these documents.
Platform Requirements
- Human interaction guidelines (HIG) for Sugar activities
- Activity Bundles describes the packaging structure
- Understanding sugar code provides an overview of how Sugar interacts with activities, including startup and shutdown, useful to understand the environment in which your activity will run
- Bitfrost summary (full spec) the security system which will control activities and their interaction with the system and other users
- Software components is a somewhat old document describing the various pieces of software and libraries involved in the system.
Python Libraries
Where official reference documentation isn't available, PyDoc-generated documentation is provided. See below for instructions on how to produce the PyDoc documentation in your own running image.
GUI Libraries
Libraries for creating standard Windows-Icon-Menu-Pointer (WIMP) GUI applications.
- Sugar Architecture (PyDoc) -- core UI and service libraries
- Activity Support -- support mechanisms for writing activities
- Graphics API (PyDoc) -- UI library based on Hippo Canvas
- Presence Chat P2P-- activity's interfaces to the Telepathy engine
- Clipboard -- activity's interface to the UI's clipboard interface
- Datastore -- activity's interface to the datastore service
- Code Snippets -- short fragments of code describing the canonical way to achieve various effects
- Gtk, (PyDoc) -- GUI library underlying the Sugar UI
- Hippo Canvas -- canvas mechanism used by the Sugar.graphics libraries
- Cairo (PyDoc) -- Low-level vector graphics rendering library
- RSVG -- Library for rendering SVG text from files/strings onto Cairo Canvases
High-Level Widgets
GUI (GTK) controls which expose the functionality of entire complex applications for use by other projects.
- Abiword -- GTK widget embedding the Abiword Word-Processor
- HulaHop -- embeds a Gecko 1.9 (Firefox 3.0 ocore) rendering widget XXX confirm that's what it really is
- Evince -- PDF (and similar) document viewer as a GTK widget
Multimedia Libraries
Libraries that deal with multimedia and gaming functionality.
- GStreamer (PyDoc) -- multimedia streaming library
- CSound -- the CSound audio-generation library
- OLPC Games -- PyGame wrapper that makes working within the OLPC-XO environment relatively straightforward (Strongly recommended for PyGame usage on the XO!)
- PyGame -- GUI library suitable for Sprite-based 2D game development
Communications and Networking
Libraries for connecting to other processes, either on the local machine or across the network
- D-BUS (PyDoc) -- desktop messaging (Remote Procedure Call (RPC) and Asynchronous Signalling) engine
- Telepathy -- buddy and connection management including cross-machine RPC over D-BUS
- Shared Sugar Activities -- includes some minimalist code on how to use Telepathy in your activities
- PyXPCOM -- Library for controlling XPCOM applications (currently just XULRunner on the XO) XXX Should be available, but doesn't appear to be (that is, import xpcom doesn't work)
Support Libraries
Libraries which are neither GUI nor multi-media (necessarily)
- Python Standard Modules -- modules which come with the Python language
- SECore -- search engine implementation
- JSON -- Javascript Object Notation parser/linearisation library
- UrlGrabber -- url downloading library
- OLPC -- the data-store implementation
- Unicode -- the laptop must provide internationalized software, as a result you will need to use Python's Unicode support
Extraneous Libraries
Libraries which are present in the current builds, but not particularly "part" of the Sugar environment and which may be removed eventually.
Building PyDoc Documentation
In a new emulator image (you likely don't want to do this on a real OLPC as it will fill up your flash ram). Start a developer's console, then do the following:
Change to the root account (to allow for installing software with yum):
su yum install bzr exit
that will download and install the bzr and python-crypto packages (about 4.8 MB) after asking you to verify that you want to do it (it will also download the yum updates, which should be small if you are using a recent emulator image).
Now, as your regular user (olpc), in the same developer's console, download the script to produce the PyDoc documentation:
bzr branch http://www.vrplumber.com/bzr/autodoc cd autodoc ./builddocs.py
the documentation-building process will run for a short while and produce a very large number of reasonably large HTML files in the autodoc folder.
Smalltalk Libraries
D-BUS Services
- Avahi -- local service discovery, e.g. for finding particular services provided on the mesh network
- NetworkManager -- network management service
- Hardware Abstraction Layer Daemon (hald) -- control of standard hardware functionality
- Presence Service -- friend discovery and collaboration primitives, including a description of the Telepathy API
- Telepathy Connection Manager
- Telepathy StreamEngine
- Activity DBus API -- Describes the API an activity must implement on D-BUS in order to interact with the Sugar desktop
- Activity Service (Python implementation of the Activity DBus API)
- Activity Factory Service (Python implementation of the Activity-launching Factory DBus API)
- Data Store Service (Journal) -- the core data-storage operation of the laptop
- Clipboard Service -- manages cross-activity sharing of data and files
- Hardware Manager Service -- provides access to the OLPC-specific hardware on the laptop
- Activity Registry Service -- registry of installed activity bundles on the laptop
- Object Type Registry Service -- MIME-type registry service
- Sugar Console Service
System Services/Hardware
- Open Firmware/Forth -- bios-replacement system on the laptop
- Forth Lessons -- Series of tutorial-style lessons on the Forth language and Open Firmware in particular
- Open Firmware Quick Reference
- Hardware specification -- general description of the hardware on the laptops
- DCON -- the display controller ASIC and its interface (note that normally you would use the HardwareManager D-BUS interface to manipulate the DCON)
- Geode -- the Geode CPU (assembly-language optimization guide, links to data-sheets)
- Power Domains -- description of which parts of the hardware are kept live in what situations
- Kernel
- Rebuilding OLPC kernel -- describes how to rebuild the OLPC kernel, which is sometimes necessary if you need to support otherwise unsupported hardware