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Planned devices for the XO.

Devices will be connected to special unit powered by Atmel programmable CPU.

Here are some ideas for possible devices:

  • Thermometer
  • Voltmeter, ampermeter, ohmmeter
  • Oscilloscope
  • Photodiode
  • PH meter
    See also the Digital Signal Processing page for work being done in India

Processor unit

processor type: C8051F321 - Full Speed USB, 16k ISP FLASH MCU Family - ETC CPU specification
cpu size: 6mm x 6mm
board size: 15mm x 30mm
case size: 20mm x 40mm (size similar to USB Bluetooth adapter )

Calculated price: CPU unit: cca 6$
board + additional electronic parts: 17$
connectors: 2$

Total price: 25$ (retail price)


  • Thermometer (cca 2$)
  • Voltmeter, ampermeter, ohmmeter, oscilloscope (cca 1$)
  • Photodiode (cca 2$)
  • PH meter ()

(please submit more ideas here)

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