Communication channels

Revision as of 15:48, 25 December 2007 by Sj (talk | contribs) (see also)
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The primary OLPC communication channels are mailing lists, IRC channels, and discussion forums.

Mailing lists

see also Community mailing lists See also blogs for a list of OLPC related blogs and feeds.

The full list of mailing lists is at Sometimes they multiply when one isn't watching.

Starting a list

The best way to start a new mailing list is to begin a discussion on a related list that already exists, and once the discussion becomes active, to ask for a separate list for that topic or that sort of traffic. Then create a page here about the list you want to start, with a brief description. Finally, add a link from this page and leave a note for sj or ivan.

Public lists

Country discussions

General discussion

  • Olpc-open General OLPC community discussion and chit-chat
  • Research Research related to OLPC

Software and content development

  • Devel Software development mailing list
  • Sugar Discussion of OLPC design, desktop platform and user experience
  • Etoys Discussion of the Etoys multi-media authoring environment on OLPC
  • Library OLPC content discussions
  • Games Games for the OLPC
  • Localization Localization the OLPC project

Accessibility and other end-use issues

Hardware and other tech discussions

  • Security OLPC Security Discussion
  • linux-mm-cc Compressed Caching for Linux
  • Networking Networking the OLPC world
  • Commits-kernel Commits list for OLPC kernel NOT FOUND
  • Bugs OLPC bugtracker mail

News and announcements

  • Community-news Weekly community news
  • Devel-boards OLPC Developer Machine mailing list (deprecated)
  • Devel-machines OLPC Developer Machine mailing list (for people with development machines)
  • Hardware-announce (rumoured to exist, deprecated?)



Image:Support-banner-square.png|173px|community support pages rect 0 0 135 204 [1] rect 135 0 345 204 Support FAQ rect 0 205 135 408 [2]

  1. Comment : there's some whitespace here:

rect 135 205 345 408 Other support

  1. maybe desc none is better. testing.

desc none


Most OLPC chat takes place on IRC (that's Internet Relay Chat). See also the older IRC page.

IRC channels

general discussion about the project

  • #olpc, for discussion of anything related to OLPC, including local events and news
  • #olpc-help, for newbies and those getting started with their own XOs
  • #olpc-es, for spanish-language discussion, including discussion of OLPC Peru, Uruguay, and Mexico
  • #olpc-de, for german-language discussion

development and participation

  • #sugar
  • #olpc-content
  • #olpc-devel, on
  • #schoolserver, which should perhaps be renamed to #olpc-schoolserver...


  • separate small channels appear from time to time for meetings, pootle and localization, and more.

Other chat services

If there are any Skype, AIM, or other chatrooms about OLPC, please list them here.


There are a number of active OLPC forums, including