User:Mchua/Braindumps/Support gang intro

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This is the OLPC "customer service" department. Actually, we don't have a customer service department. We have a support gang. There's a difference. <explanation why support-gang != customer service>

Insert pictures of various people typing while cooking dinner, in their dorm rooms, etc. with captions like "Bob is a grad student at Foobar University who answers emails in the cafeteria after grading Physics 101 problem sets" or "Jill is a freelance graphic designer who fields support calls while printing posters and watching her sister's twin preschoolers."

<stuff about support-gang>

What we can do:

  • Help you troubleshoot a broken laptop
  • Help you get a project going
  • Help you find documentation
  • Help you find other people who are trying to do the same thing as you

What we can't do:

  • Make your laptops arrive faster.
  • Make your laptops arrive faster.
  • Make your laptops arrive faster.
  • Exceed the speed of light.

You can join us - here's how. <blah blah blah>